Brussels connection

the best address for international procurement

Category: UN

  • Tendr: Interactive data design: Visualizations, infographics, and diagrams for Web Portal Zadavatel: OSN (United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women) Agentura “UN Women” hledá dodavatele služeb “Interactive data design: Visualizations, infographics, and diagrams”. Zájemci hlaste se, ať můžu požádat o zadávací dokumentaci: nebo +32-473-116804 Deadline: 9/7

  • Zakázka: Design and development of the Information and Document Management System (EoI) Zadavatel: United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), for Rep. of Macedonia Objective of this project is building an Information and Document Management System. The resulting system will provide for high level of automation regarding secure processing, storage and dissemination, task assignment and…


  • Tendr: Dodávka sedmi výstavních stánků Zadavatel: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vídeň IAEA potřebuje pro svoji 62. Všeobecnou konferenci (Vídeň, 17. až 21. září 2018) sedm výstavních stánků plus nějaký ten nábytek. Vybavení zůstane agentuře, budou ho dále používat. Dodávka do Vídně by měla proběhnout 7/9 v 10.00. Technical Requirement – The Contractor shall…

  • Tendr: Poskytování služeb bezpečnosti IT a systémového hodnocení kvality Zadavatel: Evropský patentový úřad (Mnichov, Rijswijk) Rozpočet: 10 milionů euro už dorazilo Tendr má 3 na sobě nezávislé loty/části (1) Security Analysis and Audit, 2) Software Security, Privacy and System quality a 3) Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessment). Smlouvy budou pětileté. Deadline pro doručení nabídek 3/7…

  • Zakázka: Provision of technical solutions to migrate the main UNECE website Zadavatel: United Nations Secretariat – UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) První fáze tendru – Expression of Interest (EOI) deadline 6/6 Description: The purpose of this EOI is to identify potential suppliers that can provide technical solutions to migrate the main UNECE website (…

  • Tendr: Purchase of IT equipment and accessories Zadavatel: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Description: Supply of IT equipment, computer accessories and related services for a period of two years renewable by one year extensions up to a cumulative maximum of four years. Deadline pro nabídku 8/6


  • Call for „Provision of UNDP Brand Monitoring Services“ Contracting Authority: United Nations Development Programme Contract duration: 3 (or more) years Deadline: 4 May Description: The office of information Management and Technology Bureau for Management Services is seeking for a service provider who could monitor the Internet for registration of fraudulent domain names, web sites and…

  • Request for proposal: A Statistical Data Management and analysis tool Contracting Authority: United Nations Children’s Fund Deadline 03-May-2018 16:00 Description: The purpose of this Request for Proposals for Services (“RFPS”) is to establish a long term agreement with a qualified service provider for the provision of a statistical data management and analysis tool. The purpose…

  • 1. Request for quotation: RFQ – UNDP/GEF YSLME Phase-II Project Website Development Zadavatel: United Nations Office for Project Services Deadline 27-Apr-2018 03:00 Description: This RFQ refers to Request for Project Website Development, Annual Maintenance and Hosting Services of UNDP/GEF YSLME Phase II Project 2. Request for proposal: Redesign and improve functionality of the Child…

  • UNICEF pořádá na konci července (23. až 27.) v Amsterdamu velkou konferenci o AIDS. Při té příležitosti chystá vydat barevnou publikaci o zhruba 72 stranách v angličtině, francouzštině a španělštině a momentálně hledá firmu, která jí zajistí design a layout. Detaily:  The vendor is expected to develop a contemporary and visually appealing publication, in which…

