Category: UN
Tendr: Software pro odhalování plagiátů pro OSN Zadavatel: UN – International Atomic Energy Agency, Vídeň The IAEA Publishing Section provides publishing services for the IAEA. Over 90 monographs are published each year but we scan between 150 – 250 items a year varying in length from 10 – 500 manuscript pages. As per publishing best…
Tender: Archives Management System, Digital Preservation System and User access Interface Contracting Authority: UN Library, Geneva Deadline: 14/10 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS The Institutional Memory Section of the UN Library at Geneva is looking for a comprehensive, robust and integrated solution to ensure the correct management, long-term preservation of and access to the UNOG archives material.…
International Atomic Enercy Agency se sídlem ve Vídni vyhlašuje tendr na Development, delivery, maintenance and support of E-Learning Modules Deadline 7. října Tady jsou hlavní funkční a technické požadavky, zájemcům pošlu na vyžádání ( nebo +32-473-116804) víc. The E-Learning modules shall include, as a minimum, the following technical features and functions: (a) The E-Learning modules…
Tender: Web development, coding, maintenance, hosting and analytics (Polio Eradication programme) Contracting Authority: UN – World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva Key requirements: WHO is looking for expertise within the following 2 profiles. Service providers can propose their services for one or both of the profiles, as they seem fit. Profile 1: Web development/coding Purpose: To…
Tendr na “Data Store” Zadavatel: The International Aid Transparency Initiative (organizace pod OSN, sídlí ve Vídni) Details: This is an open tender for the building of the IATI DataStore – a robust online data service providing timely, standardised access to all data published using the IATI standard. The tender includes the development of the product…
Tendr: Provision of IT services related to the implementation of a Smart Industry Platform Zadavatel: UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization), Vídeň Features and functionality overview: Search AP Implementation with database search; separate instances for the indicators and the knowledge resources; Facets and facets ranges Newsletter subscriptions management with on-site sent-out options: Simplenews & swiftmailer…
Dva tendry pro UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Vídeň): 1) Delivery and installation of a Professional Signage Monitor at the entrance of Building C of the Vienna International Centre Deadline for quotation 25/7 Popis: Professional Signage Monitor LCD/LED: 84 inch, black or dark grey thin frame, 16:9, native resolution UHD 3840×2160 pixels, designed for…
Tendr: Interactive data design: Visualizations, infographics, and diagrams for Web Portal Zadavatel: OSN (United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women) Agentura “UN Women” hledá dodavatele služeb “Interactive data design: Visualizations, infographics, and diagrams”. Zájemci hlaste se, ať můžu požádat o zadávací dokumentaci: nebo +32-473-116804 Deadline: 9/7
Zakázka: Design and development of the Information and Document Management System (EoI) Zadavatel: United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), for Rep. of Macedonia Objective of this project is building an Information and Document Management System. The resulting system will provide for high level of automation regarding secure processing, storage and dissemination, task assignment and…
Tendr: Dodávka sedmi výstavních stánků Zadavatel: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vídeň IAEA potřebuje pro svoji 62. Všeobecnou konferenci (Vídeň, 17. až 21. září 2018) sedm výstavních stánků plus nějaký ten nábytek. Vybavení zůstane agentuře, budou ho dále používat. Dodávka do Vídně by měla proběhnout 7/9 v 10.00. Technical Requirement – The Contractor shall…