Brussels connection

the best address for international procurement

Category: UN

  • Nákupní agentura OSN (UNOPS) nakoupí pro potřeby ukrajinské policie (regiony Kyjev, Charkov, Lvov) 29 kovových troj-laviček. Rozměry 1500 x 700 x 800 mm (+/- 5%); výška 450 mm (+/- 5%). Material of frame: perforated metal sheet with inserts for artificial leather, with an abrasion resistance of at least 30,000 cycles of Martindale. Material of seats: metal with…


  • Call for: Electronic Name Plates for Conference Rooms Contracting Authority: United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Vienna, Austria Details: Electronic E-ink Display (double sided display) with a minimum pixel density of 120 ppi and minimum display size of 350x100mm incl. display holder to place the display on a conference table. The display shall be easily programmable…


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  • Tendr: Provision of conference and broadcast systems as part of the Strategic Heritage Plan Zadavatel: United Nations Office at Geneva Closing Date for Receipt of EOI: 26 October 2018 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS: The United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG), Switzerland, located at the Palais des Nations, is the largest United Nations Office in Europe, providing conference…


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  • Tendr: Software pro odhalování plagiátů pro OSN Zadavatel: UN – International Atomic Energy Agency, Vídeň The IAEA Publishing Section provides publishing services for the IAEA. Over 90 monographs are published each year but we scan between 150 – 250 items a year varying in length from 10 – 500 manuscript pages. As per publishing best…


  • Tender: Archives Management System, Digital Preservation System and User access Interface Contracting Authority: UN Library, Geneva Deadline: 14/10 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS The Institutional Memory Section of the UN Library at Geneva is looking for a comprehensive, robust and integrated solution to ensure the correct management, long-term preservation of and access to the UNOG archives material.…


  • International Atomic Enercy Agency se sídlem ve Vídni vyhlašuje tendr na Development, delivery, maintenance and support of E-Learning Modules Deadline 7. října Tady jsou hlavní funkční a technické požadavky, zájemcům pošlu na vyžádání ( nebo +32-473-116804) víc. The E-Learning modules shall include, as a minimum, the following technical features and functions: (a) The E-Learning modules…


  • Tender: Web development, coding, maintenance, hosting and analytics (Polio Eradication programme) Contracting Authority: UN – World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva Key requirements: WHO is looking for expertise within the following 2 profiles. Service providers can propose their services for one or both of the profiles, as they seem fit. Profile 1: Web development/coding Purpose: To…

  • Tendr na “Data Store” Zadavatel: The International Aid Transparency Initiative (organizace pod OSN, sídlí ve Vídni) Details: This is an open tender for the building of the IATI DataStore – a robust online data service providing timely, standardised access to all data published using the IATI standard. The tender includes the development of the product…


  • Tendr: Provision of IT services related to the implementation of a Smart Industry Platform Zadavatel: UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization), Vídeň Features and functionality overview: Search AP Implementation with database search; separate instances for the indicators and the knowledge resources; Facets and facets ranges Newsletter subscriptions management with on-site sent-out options: Simplenews & swiftmailer…

  • Dva tendry pro UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Vídeň): 1) Delivery and installation of a Professional Signage Monitor at the entrance of Building C of the Vienna International Centre Deadline for quotation 25/7 Popis: Professional Signage Monitor LCD/LED: 84 inch, black or dark grey thin frame, 16:9, native resolution UHD 3840×2160 pixels, designed for…

