Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Category: NATO

  • NATO před chvilkou vyhlásilo tendr na “monitoring médií a analytické služby”. Deadline je 13. října. Tady jsou základní informace – Key deliverables, separated into lots: Lot 1 a) Multi-market theme and key word monitoring of print, wires and online media with provision also for TV broadcast media monitoring, delivered via a hosted platform. b) Delivery…


  • Cílem konktraktu je „establish a framework contract for the provision of best-value digital communications strategist and social media analyst services that meet NATO evolving needs and requirements“. Další požadavky: 1) The Contractor must appoint a Lead Digital Communications and Social Media Analyst that will be considered as Key Personnel for the performance of this Contract.…


  • NATO calls for modernisation of its press and media event management business practices and supporting software platforms. Deadline 24/7. Winner should: 1) Strengthen NATO’s event management practice so that the tools used by the International Staff and shared with NATO Allies hosting meetings abroad are relying on up to date technologies and so that the…


  • NATO bude nakupovat neprustřelné vesty a další osobní ochranu. Konference pro zájemce se koná 29/5 v Bruselu, je nutné se reistrovat nejpozději tři pracovní dny předem, takže moc času není. Tady je seznam, zájemci o dokumentaci pište na 3.1 The Organization plans to equip each eligible agent with the following item: 1. Bullet Proof…


  • NATO has just launched a call for tenders to conclude a multiple-award framework agreements with communications companies in different areas (eg. video broadcast, market research/marketing, social media or web…). Any time in the coming years work or services will be needed under the framework agreements, NATO will provide each awardee with a fair opportunity to…

  • Zde je vysvětlení motivace Aliance k vypsání tendru: The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to award a contract for both a software solution and implementation services supporting the long-term preservation of NATO digital information. Long-term preservation in this context refers to the totality of processes and operations involved in the stabilization of…


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  • The new headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), currently under construction in Brussels, could see its costs run as high as €1 billion, the Court of Auditors has warned. The original budget for the complex was €457.6 million. According to the report, the cost has already gone up to €710.4 million, including €23.4…


  • NATO vyhlásilo tendr na profesionální kamery SONY plus příslušenství od stejné značky. Navíc také objektivy Fujinon. Deadline 11/11. Tady je celý seznam: 1x SONY XDCAM HD422 camcorder, type PDW-850/U 1x FUJINON ENG style lens with 2 x extender, type HA18X5.5BERM-M 1x SONY HD Electronic Viewfinder (2IN), type HDVF-20A 1x SONY stereo/mono shotgun microphone, ECM-680S 1x SONY…


  • NATO hledá do své nové centrály provozovatele salónu krásy. Podmínkou je registrace k podníkání v Belgii. Před válkou s Ruskem je třeba udělat si nechty a hlavu:)


  • Severoatlantická alliance chce převést svoji kolekci nahrávek na videokazetách do digitální podoby. Deadline k podání nabídek 22/8.
