Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Category: NATO

  • NATO si chce nechat ušít osm tisíc windstopperových bund Zakázka: Wind stopper Vests Zadavel: NATO Jedna z Agentur NATO vypíše letos v září tendr na 8 tisíc kusů windstopperových vest v různých velikostech. Základní specifikace: The vest is to protect the user from wind, with a high level of comfort since it is lightweight and…


  • Bruselská centrála NATO bude nakupovat všechny typy komunikačních služeb, kterých momentálně využívá (web, AV, digitální etc…). Zatím vyhlásila “request of information” (RFI). Očekává, že se jí přihlásí agentury, které by o zakázku mohly mít zájem a vyplní jí ne příliš obsáhlý dotazník. “This information will be used to evaluate and update NATO’s service requirements and…

  • The NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency is planning to release 1.4 billion EUR in business opportunities in the next 18 months. As NATO’s tech and cyber leader, the Agency works to deliver technology and services to NATO Nations and Commands. During these next 18 months, the Agency plans to issue bids for, or award…


  • Measuring the digital footprint of influencers / discovering new influencers. Budget: €30,000. Influencers are essential for Engagements work, as they serve as multipliers of NATO’s messaging, and allow us to reach audiences we might otherwise not be able to reach. In particular, this is relevant for audiences in NATO Nations and Partner countries. In the…


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  • Framework Contract for the provision of Communication Services in the field of Communication Strategy, Market Research, Branding, Advertising, Marketing, Broadcasting, Graphic Design/3D Animation production, Social Media and Web content. €2,500,000. Award framework contract for the provision of Communication Services in the field of Communication Strategy, Market Research, Branding, Advertising, Marketing, Broadcasting, Graphic Design/3D Animation production,…

  • Zajímavé IT zakázky, které se letos chystá vyhlásit NATO. Například: Framework Agreement for the provision of professional services for application delivery and support for systems such as ERP, NATO docs, Sharepoint and webdevelopment. €6,500,000. To award a framework agreement for professional services related to application delivery and support NATO’s systems Enterprise Geospatial Sofware and services.…


  • Provision of Information Exchange Gateway Between Nato Secret And Mission Secret Contracting Authority: NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency) Estimated budget: €7,839,608  Introduction – The Information Exchange Gateway Case C (IEG-C) project will provide: • Support for Information Exchange Services of critical information and real time data between the NATO Secret core network (which…


  • Tender: The Provision of Backup, Archive and Recovery solution to STO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE). Contracting Authority: NATO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE), La Spezia – Italy Descriptions: CMRE requires an enterprise-grade data backup, archive and recovery solution for its unclassified data centre in La Spezia and for the smallerscale…


  • Call for: The supply and implementation of a Travel Management Software (TMS) Contracting Authority: NATO HQ, Brussels The TMS shall be a COTS (commercial-of-the-shelf) software product for the management of travel requests (trip pre-approval) and travel expense management. The TMS shall offer the possibility to integrate as a Module an Online-Booking Tool. Bidders shall include…


  • Tender: Provision of Assessment Suite Contracting Authority: NATO HQ, Brussels Description: The purpose of this Request For Proposals is to award a single multi-year contract for the provision of Assessment Suite consisting of products and services such as but not limited to the following: Provision of the Assessment Centres including venue, materials, catering and evaluation…

