Brussels connection

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Brusel zaplatí €400.000 za plán, jak zlepšit “digitální dovednosti” zaměstnanců malých a středních firem

Zakázka: Pilotní projekt: školení v oblasti digitálních dovedností

Zadavatel: Evropská komise, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, Brusel

Kontrakt na 14 měsíců/ budget maximálně €400.000

Komise má zájem o návrh a realizaci pilotního projektu na podporu vzdělávání v oblasti digitálních dovedností. Konkrétně: „the pilot project aims to improve the digital skills of people who are currently employed by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and the digital skills of unemployed people to prepare them for employment“.

By undertaking the pilot project, the contractor will be required to carry out four main interlinked strands of work:

1) Select two regions in the European Union, at least one of which should have a high youth unemployment rate, namely higher than 20%. These two regions should be in two different Member States. Gather a representative group of experts from these two regions in order to:

  1. identify the types of digital skills that are highly demanded by SMEs,
  2. provide advice and describe in which sectors and industries SMEs are already facing or will be facing a digital skills deficit in the near future, and
  3. propose short-term training solutions for digital skills for the labour force (employed and unemployed), taking into account existing initiatives such as Accelerated Training Programmes, which are effective and scalable to national level, to geographical clusters, or even at EU-level.
  4. write a report that will contain the conclusions of the above tasks a, b and c.

2) Based on the outcome of the first strand, design a high-quality training programme on specific digital skills, including a specific curriculum. This programme should have a duration of no shorter than 2 months and no longer than 4 months (full-time or part-time). Alternatively, the contractor can propose the adapted use of an existing training programme.

3) Organise and implement “pilot” training programmes in the regions for skilling and/or reskilling workers and unemployed to prepare them for digitisation. For this purpose, the contractor should work with training providers and other stakeholders.

4) On the basis of the pilot programmes, produce one or several blueprints for training which can be implemented at local, regional or national level. These blueprint(s) shall be relevant (in terms of being applicable to a large number of people), expandable and replicable.

Deadline pro odeslání nabídek: 28/7

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