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Brusel dá IT firmám 700 milionů euro na rozvoj svých účetních systémů


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Call: DIMOS VI – Development, Implementation, Maintenance and Operation of IT Systems

Client: European Commission, Directorate-General for Budget, Brussels – vyhlašuje tendr jménem dalších EU agentur a institucí

Rámcový kontrakt (pro 6 nejlepších) na 48 měsíců / odhadovaný budget €700.000.000. To znamená, že pouze těch šest firem, které dostanou „rámcovku“, bude v průběhu trvání smlouvy dostávat poptávky a bude záležet jen na nich, do čeho se přihlásí.

Deadline 16/12

Stručný popis: Toto zadávací řízení se týká zřízení nástroje pro poskytování služeb veřejným zadavatelům dle popisu v těchto specifikacích nabídkového řízení, které se týkají oblasti vývoje a činností systémů plánování podnikových zdrojů (ERP) IT systémů v oblasti účetnictví a financí se zaměřením na technologie SAP.

Purpose: The purpose of this call for tenders is the award of multiple framework contracts in cascade for the provision of services relating to the area of the development, implementation, maintenance and operation IT systems, including the operations of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).

Context: The financial and accounting system of the European Commission is the reference financial/accounting system for this BUDG/2022/OP/0010 call for tenders. It is supported by a corporate information system known as ABAC. It consists mainly of ABAC Accounting (SAP ECC-based), ABAC Workflow (in-house developed) and ABAC SAM (SAP ECC-based). Furthermore, it includes the ABAC Data Warehouse (in-house developed) and a middleware (SAP PI service bus, Oracle service bus).

The European Commission ensures the continuity and reliability of the ABAC financial system, plans the future evolution of ABAC, strives for its continuous improvement, and ensures compliance with the Financial Regulation and Accounting Rules. The European Commission needs to modernise ABAC to come to a new single Finance Platform based on S/4HANA which will be called SUMMA. SUMMA is the result of an evolution at time incremental, at times disruptive, at times technologically-driven, and at times functionally-driven. Here is the summary of this evolution:

Système CUC (Centre Unique de Comptabilité)1976Mainframe (Siemens BS2000) and Unix (NCR)
SINCOM (Système Informatique de Comptabilité)1988Mainframe (Amdahl)
SINCOM21998Client-Server (Unix, PowerBuilder)
CIR (Central Invoice Register)2002Web (Unix, Java and SAP)
ABAC2005Web (Unix, Java and SAP)
SUMMA2021SAP S4HANA running on in memory HANA database

The ABAC system is in phase-out status and is being progressively replaced by SUMMA as from 2021.

Implementing the new platform will help the European Commission to make its financial IT landscape future-ready; improve its user experience; increase its capacity to process data and strengthen control of available data; raise cost-effectiveness; support reliable, consistent and timely information; and allow for predictive analytics and flexible modifications – whilst driving system robustness and business continuity.

Description: The purpose of this call for tenders is the award of multiple framework contracts in cascade for the provision of services relating to the area of the development, implementation, maintenance and operation of accounting, financial and other information technology systems.

The purchases that are the subject of this call for tenders, including any minimum requirements, are described in detail below.

Variants (alternatives to the model solution described in the tender specifications) are not allowed. The CA will disregard any variants described in a tender.

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