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Agentura EU pro námořní bezpečnost hledá firmu na vývoj a údržbu databází


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Tendr: Vývoj a údržba hlavních databází

Zadavatel: Evropská agentura pro námořní bezpečnost, Lisbon

Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €1.500.000

Deadline 8/5

Objective, scope and description of the contract: The objective of this procurement procedure is to establish a Framework Service Contract (FWC) for IT services related to the development, corrective maintenance and evolutive maintenance of Master Databases. The Framework Service Contract shall be concluded for a maximum duration of four years.  The FWC comprises four modules:

 Module 1 – Development of the Central Ship Database version 2.0 (CSD v2.0). The Specific Contract is to be signed immediately after the signature of the FWC. The Specific Contract for Module 1 shall have a maximum duration of nine months. The requirements for provision of services for the Specific Contract under this module are in Appendix TS.02. Tenderers must complete Appendix TS.10 on the minimum requirements of the tender. Failure to comply with any of these requirements will lead to the rejection of the tender.

 Module 2 – Master databases development and potential enhancements of the Master Databases developed in the course of the Framework Contract. Tasks shall be requested by EMSA to the contractor based on specific contracts.

 Module 3 – IT Helpdesk and corrective maintenance services for Master Databases developed within this Framework Contract under Modules 1 and 2 including application incident management, bug fixing and minor scale changes regarding operational requirements evolution. Module 3 services shall be requested by EMSA to the contractor based on specific contracts with the duration of 6 months, throughout the duration of the Framework Contract. The requirements for provision of services for the specific contracts under this module are in the Appendix TS.05. Tenderers must complete Appendix TS.10 on the minimum requirements of the tender. Failure to comply with any of these requirements will lead to the rejection of the tender.

 Module 4 – Data management services for Master Databases developed within this Framework Contract under Modules 1 and 2 including assessment of conflicts between data sources, assessment of data quality and correction of data records individually or in batch. Tasks shall be requested by EMSA to the contractor based on specific contracts.

The services defined above will be implemented via requests for services after the FWC (IT) is signed and in force, through specific contracts. The baseline for all specific contracts related to Modules 1, 2 and 3 is to use Fixed Deliverable & Timing types of contracts, defined in Annex I of the FWC (IT). The baseline for all specific contracts related to Module 4 is to use Time & Means (TM) types of contracts, defined in Annex II of the FWC (IT),

In order to have a full picture of the technologies adopted in EMSA, the tenderer shall also take into account the EMSA System and Application Technical Landscape (provided in the Appendix A to the General Terms and Conditions for IT Contracts.). This document indicates which middleware and software technologies may be used for an application implementation. The use and adoption of any other technologies need the express permission of EMSA.

The Master Databases from Modules 1 and 2 will be developed on top of the Master Data Management solution TIBCO EBX, a proprietary software component of the company Tibco-Orchestra1. 

The maintenance of TIBCO EBX is out of scope of this Call for Tender (EMSA will buy its own licenses and contract the maintenance of TIBCO EBX). However, the maintenance of the interfaces with TIBCO EBX and the configuration of TIBCO EBX are part of the FWC activities. This includes the development of data models and data flows.

Team structure:  Project manager,  Software architect,  Business Analyst,  Senior application developer,  Junior application developer,  Test engineer,  Problem and Incident manager,  Data quality manager.

Technical and professional capacity –  The tenderer shall have expertise, and knowledge, in the following areas:

o Master Databases (with at least 200.000 records);

o Software tools: Oracle Service Bus, Oracle database, WebLogic Server, JMS;

o Web Services based on: REST, SOAP, Web Feature Service (WFS), JSON

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