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Agentura EU pro IT bezpečnost vypíše menší tendr na zmapování incidentů


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Tendr: Proactive detection of network security incidents – incident response tools mapping

Zadavatel: Agentura Evropské unie pro bezpečnost sítí a informací (ENISA), Maroussi, Řecko

Negotiated Procedure – maximum budget €50.000,00

As part of its effort to support and advance EU Member States Incident Response (IR) capabilities, ENISA would like to conduct a comprehensive mapping of available methods, tools, activities and information sources which are used already or could be recommended for proactive detection of network security incidents. The work should build upon the 2011 ENISA study “Proactive detection of network security incidents” report and expand in it in the light of the latest developments . The final report and inventory will serve as a reference point for new and already established national/governmental and other incident response teams in EU to identify or reassess appropriate measures. The project also aims to identify good practices and recommendations to improve the detection of network security incidents in EU.

Zájem je třeba projevit (EOI) nejpozději do 4/6

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