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Agentura ENISA hledá “bezpečnostního poradce” pro oblast e-Healthcare


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Tendr: Supporting Healthcare Security activities

Zadavatel: Agentura Evropské unie pro bezpečnost sítí a informací (ENISA), Maroussi, Řecko

Deadline 25/3

Kontrakt na 3 roky / budget €400.000

The purpose of this Call for Tenders is to provide support for the ENISA work in the area of Healthcare security services, throughout the years 2019 – 2021. ENISA envisages around 1-2 projects per year in this area, on specific topics such as procurement guidelines for health sector, threat identification and threat landscape for the healthcare sector, security provisions of medical devices, and capacity building for cybersecurity in healthcare organisations.

ENISA expects tenderers to have expertise and knowledge on the following topics:
 Understanding of the European regulatory framework e.g. NIS Directive, the GDPR, the EU Telecoms Package.
 Network and information security of eHealth systems, infrastructures and services (services like ePrescription, HER, PHR etc).
 Policy and regulatory issues related to the resilience of healthcare security services as well as eHealth policies at national and/or European level.
 Security for medical devices, such as mobile devices, wearable devices, implantable devices etc
 Network and information security issues e.g. internet and web security, cryptography, testing, security management etc.

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