Brussels connection

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IT poradenství pro Publikační úřad EU: €3m/4 roky. Zájemci?


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Úřad pro publikace Evropské unie (sídlí v Lucembursku) vypisuje výběrové řízení na “služby poradenství a pomoci ohledně vedení projektů informačních technologií”. S vítězem bude uzavřena čtyčletá rámcová smlouva s budgetem až 3 miliony euro. Detaily zde: EN-02_AO_10513_SPECIFICATIONS

These services will among others include the following tasks: * supervision of the progress of projects realised by other entities (S1); * scheduling of project-related activities on the Publications Office’s premises, such as interviews, progress meetings and installation of deliverables in the test and production environment (S1); * reviewing and approving documentation delivered by other entities, including analysis and design documents, technical specifications, user and technical manuals (S1); * assisting end user services (business owners) in the elaboration of studies & business analysis: e.g. interviews management, architecture vision documents, functional requirement specifications, architecture definitions, solutions designs, process, data & technology models (S2); * elaboration of project plans using MS Project (S2); * study of the compliance with the existing Enterprise Architecture and Business Process Modelling (S2); * supporting end user services and the IT team of the Publications Office (S3); * reviewing and testing software deliverables (S4); * reporting to the stakeholders and the project owner (S5); * elaborating of technical specifications (S5); * development of small supporting software tools (e.g. Excel Macros, Access, Visual Basic), (S6)

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