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Interaktivní a dřevěná. Brusel potřebuje vyrobit “chytrou” zeď pro své návštěvnické centrum. Cena €300 tisíc

Tendr: Pořízení dřevěné interaktivní chytré zdi v rámci nové komunikační koncepce návštěvnického centra Evropské komise

Zadavatel: Evropská komise, Generální ředitelství pro komunikaci (COMM), COMM.B.4 – Experience Europe, Brussels

Stručný popis: Pořízení dřevěné interaktivní chytré zdi v rámci nové komunikační koncepce návštěvnického centra Evropské komise, včetně návrhu koncepce, obsahu, instalace a údržby této zdi.

Smlouva na max 48 měsíců / budget €300.000

Deadline pro odevzdání nabídky: 20/4

Popis: The overall objective of the contract is the design, the creation and installation of an interactive wooden wall, including the tailored design of the wall, the definition of the necessary IT material, as well the purchase and installation of the necessary IT/Audiovisual equipment, for the European Commission Visitors’ Centre. The wooden wall should be made touch-sensitive using the latest sensor technology.

The tenderer must also define and create the content of the wall and the way it will be displayed on the wall, by the tenderer. The testing of the user-friendliness, the training of staff including the provision of a training manual, as well as the maintenance of the smart wall, are also part of the contract.

Background and objectives: The Visitors’ Centre of the European Commission1, located in the Charlemagne building, in Brussels, aims to give visiting groups an insight into the work and functioning of the European Commission and to explain its policies, priorities and the value added of the EU through information visits tailored to their interests. Visits for groups consisting of a minimum of 15 people aged 15 years and above currently range from 90-minute general information presentations to tailored information visits for high-level groups and key multipliers lasting up to one and a half days.

Works to modernise the Visitor’s Centre premises are ongoing, and expected to conclude in spring 2022. The renovation works are managed and executed internally by the Office for Infrastructure and Logistics of the European Commission (OIB). The architectural concept follows the principles of the New European Bauhaus and the proposed materials, as well as the look, are sustainable and respectful of the environment at all stages of its lifecycle.

The communication concept of the Visitors’ Centre will be in line with the architecture.

This includes the replacement of the current communication tools in the exhibition area of the centre with modern and interactive communication stations.

The main feature of the main hall in the Centre was the “Timeline”. It is a curved, fabric, back-lit wall, which illustrates the history of the European integration process through its various Presidents. Being made of fabric, this static installation has to be re-printed to be updated. Hence, it is not possible to integrate the latest communication campaigns into this tool on a regular basis. The content of the Timeline focuses on the history of the European integration and highlights the achievements of each Commission mandate led by its President, also making a reference to parallel milestones of European and global politics, economy and history.

Final installation of the Visitors Centre’s Timeline

Timeline -1880 cm (length) x 225 cm (height). Height from the floor to ceiling = 239 cm

As part of the new communication concept, the “timeline” (pictured above) should be replaced with an interactive smart wall to be purchased under this contract.

The interactive wall and its content must underline and enhance the new communication concept of the Visitors’ Centre as a dynamic space, giving a forward-looking overview of the Commission’s political priorities. It must be easy for the contracting authority to update the wall with the latest communication campaigns.

The wall should serve to increase engagement with visiting groups. The wall has to be smart, digital and be able to provide an interactive experience for visiting groups. Visitors should be able to modify its content with movement, gestures, touch or with their mobile devices. The wall should allow the Commission to present informative content in an interactive and immersive way. When the visitor touches the surface, it should activate and form the content into separate screens. The wall could be divided into four surfaces (or segments) side-by-side, forming a uniform image. This would enable browsing through four different contents at the same time – in 4 different languages (English, French, German and Dutch), according to the visitors’ requirements.

The wall will be the main communication station of the renovated Visitors’ Centre and it should have a ‘wow’ effect.

Detailed characteristics of the purchase: The measurements of the wall should be approximately 1880 cm (length) x 225 cm (height). Height from the floor to ceiling = 239 cm.3

The surface of the wall must consist of wood and the chosen material should be in line with the architectural concept of the Visitors’ Centre as described in annex 7, even when in stand-by mode. As mentioned above, the proposed materials, as well as the look, must be sustainable and respectful of the environment, in line with the European Green Deal and the new European Bauhaus.

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