Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Zabezpečená elektronická síť pro euroinstituce a eurovlády


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Evropská komise chce vybudovat “transevropskou zabezpečenou komunikační síť nové generace” (neboli TESTA-ng) pro výměnu dat v elektronické podobě mezi všemi institucemi a agenturami EU a vládními orgány všech členských států EU.

The services to be contracted cover the delivery, exploitation and maintenance of a secured trans-European communication infrastructure for the exchange of electronic data between European and national administrations.

Total quantity or scope:

* Between 550 and 700 single encrypted access points for different administrations in Europe and some outside Europe. Most of the bandwidths will vary between 2 Mbps and 10 Mbps, some connections will be above 34 Mbps.
* Redundant service and operation centre at 2 different locations in Europe, shared personnel and dedicated equipment.
* Redundant data centre with common services dedicated to TESTA-ng: DNS, mail relay, secured e-mail, NTP, FTP, Web service, certification services, videoconference bridge, cooperation services.


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