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[the one that wins]

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Web design & online marketing & social media management pro jedinou EU agenturu v Praze

Tendr: Web design, development, management, online marketing, social media management, and editorial services

Zadavatel: European Union Agency for the Space Programme (ex-GSA), Prague

Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €2.600.000


* minimální roční obrat v posledních 3 letech: €260.000

* odpovídající (co nejpodobnější) reference


* 1 Contract Manager/Coordinator

The tenderer shall designate a Contract Manager/Coordinator who will have overall responsibility for the management and the smooth execution of the contract and who will be GSA’s main contact point. GSA may request the contract manager/coordinator attendance at review meetings either in person in Prague or online.  

* 1 Project managera minimum of eight years’ relevant experience as pro-ject manager
* 3 Drupal experts/developersa minimum of five years’ relevant experience
* 1 Junior Drupal developera minimum of three years’ relevant experience
* 1 Information architecture specialista minimum of five years’ relevant experience
* 1 Business Analysta minimum of five years’ relevant experience
* 1 User experience designera minimum of five years’ relevant experience
* 1 User research experta minimum of five years’ relevant experience
* 1 Web/User Interface designera minimum of five years’ relevant experience
* 1 Web Analytics experta minimum of three years’ relevant experience
* 1 Search Engine Optimisation experta minimum of five years’ relevant experience
* 1 Content strategista minimum of five years’ relevant experience
* 1 Web Editor in English languagea minimum of five years’ relevant experience and pref-erably with journalistic background
* 1 Technical writer/journalista minimum of five years’ relevant experience and pref-erably with journalistic background
* 1 Senior Webmastera minimum of five years’ relevant experience


Scenario 1 – Revamp of (Maximum number of pages: 8 plus mock-up)

Scenario 2, redesign EUSPA’s website (Maximum number of pages: 10, plus mock-ups)

Scenario 3, News and digital marketing strategy (Maximum number of pages: 5 pages plus landing page)

Scenario 4, provision of web design, development, management, online marketing, social media management, and editorial services for a period of six months (Maximum number of pages: 3)

Deadline pro nabídku: 24/6

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