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Web content management systém pro evropskou agenturu ECDC sídlící ve švédské Solně

Evropské středisko pro prevenci a kontrolu nemocí (ECDC – Solna, Sweden) vyhlašuje tendr na Web content management system, migration and maintenance services. Vítěz získá rámcový kontrakt na 4 roky s orientačním rozpočtem €507.000. Detaily: The purpose of the Web content management system project is to rejuvenate the Centre’s public-facing Web sites (i.e. the Web portal and associated ‘sub-branded’ sites) in accordance with the 2 concepts of ‘authority’ and ‘promoting debate’, which notably encompass multilingual capabilities, and ensuring that the system runs on adequate technology that delivers flexibility, productivity gains and richness of features out-of-the-box, and long-term stability, maintainability and sustainability. Therefore, the project includes new design and a new site structure that will run on a feature-rich WCMS that can be easily extended as newly developed functions become available. Deadline 15/6.

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