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Want to help with the European Investment Bank’s digital innovation? Go for it!


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Assistance in supporting the Digital Innovation activities of the EIB Group internal Digital Transformation Programme

EIB – European Investment Bank, Luxembourg

Multi-operator Framework Agreement with a maximum of five service providers. re-opening of competition

Duration: 1-year duration with up to 4 tacit extensions of one year each; the total duration shall not exceed 5 years

Maximum estimated expenditure: €18.000.000 over complete duration of the agreement

Deadline 16/1

*** The Tenderer must have for each of the past three financial years an annual turnover of at least €7.000.000


Apart from over-seeing the implementation of the Digital Transformation Programme Roadmap and ensuring consistency and alignment across the Group, the Digital Transformation Office (DTO) will help obtain proof of concept for cutting-edge technologies and conduct market watch to scout innovative solutions that could suit the EIB Group. This way, the EIB Group should stay on top of market trends despite the fast moving technological frontier.

The Programme will have to ensure the promotion of innovation by implementing the latest market standards and technical advancements to retain the EIB Group’s catalytic role in the Capital Markets. The Programme has completed its mobilisation phase for which the detailed outcomes are made available in Annex A2.

The Service Provider will provide 4 types of services:

Type A – Ideation Services, covering the following tasks:

▪ perform digital innovation market watch and market studies;

▪ perform digital innovation;

▪ perform benchmarking;

▪ organise digital innovation events/days;

▪ perform discovery of needs (via innovation lab, co-creation workshop etc.);

▪ identify plausible digital innovative solutions;

▪ perform knowledge transfer;

▪ identify internal EIB Group champions to follow;

▪ align with EIF/EIB (if the originator of the call-offs is respectively EIB/EIF).

Type B – Proof of Concept Services, covering the following tasks:

▪ capture basic customer journey & minimum set of business requirements;

▪ configure interactive mock-up, demonstrate and organise business stakeholders try-out sessions of a digital innovative solution delivering the customer journey/set of business requirements;

▪ capture the non-functional requirements/conditions/IT and Business constraints in view of a possible addition to the IT Business application landscape;

▪ assessment of the outcome to provide options for decision on a go/no go addition to the IT Business application landscape to EIB Group senior management;

▪ perform knowledge transfer;

▪ identify internal EIB Group champions to follow;

▪ align with EIF/EIB (if the originator of the call-offs is respectively EIB/EIF).

Type C – Sourcing & Procurement Support Services, covering the following tasks:

▪ perform preliminary market consultations on behalf of the EIB or provide support to the EIB Group in performing preliminary market consultations;

▪ identify potential digital solutions available on the market that could best match the EIB Group requirements;

▪ propose suitable procurement strategies to purchase digital solutions in the most effective and efficient way, given the limitations imposed by the procurement regimes to which the EIB Group is subject of, as well as given the specific EIB Group requirements and the market conditions;

▪ engage with all the identified EIB stakeholders and capture the functional requirements, non-functional requirements, terms of licensing, maintenance and support, other terms of service;

▪ identify and formalise the minimum set of use cases to support try out sessions by EIB Group stakeholders;

▪ propose suitable evaluation criteria and scoring methods for use in the procurement of digital solutions;

▪ draft technical specifications and terms of reference for procurement of digital solutions;

▪ in the context of procurement procedures, provide support in organising and performing with participating vendors the try out sessions of their digital;

▪ in the context of procurement procedures, provide support to the EIB Group evaluation committees in the technical, financial and/or legal evaluation of proposed digital solutions;

▪ provide relevant technical reports in the context of the tasks listed above;

▪ provide reports on progress against timeline.

Type D – Adoption Services, covering the following tasks:

▪ accompany, transfer and facilitate the addition of digital innovative solutions into the EIB Group IT business application landscape;

▪ provide high level roadmap agreed with all Business and IT teams involved;

▪ perform knowledge transfer;

▪ identify internal EIB Group champions to follow;

▪ align with EIF/EIB (if the originator of the call-offs is respectively EIB/EIF).

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