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UX služby pro EU agenturu z Litvy

Tendr: Poskytování on-line služeb

Evropský institut pro rovnost žen a mužů (EIGE), Vilnius – Litva

Rámcový kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €1.455.000

Short description: The objective of this procedure is to conclude a framework contracts with professional companies capable of providing a large range of services related to consultation, analysis, design and implementation of websites, intranets and online tools, particularly on Drupal and Microsoft SharePoint. The framework contracts will cover EIGE’s needs on web development for internal and external target audiences for the period 2021-2024.

Zakázka bude rozdělena na tři samostatné, na sobě nezávislé části:

LOT1 – Website Services: Lot 1 aims to maintain and develop the usability, user experience and usage of EIGE’s websites, strengthen communication between EIGE and its stakeholders and ensure the websites’ compliance with various technical standards. Budget: €915.000.

LOT2 – Intranet services: Lot 2 aims to maintain and develop usability, user experience and usage of EIGE’s Intranet and connected online tools as the primary channels for EIGE’s internal communications.Budget: €385.000

LOT3 – Strategic Digital Consultancy and Evaluation Services: Lot 3 aims to gather and produce high-level knowledge about the usability, user experience and usage of EIGE’s websites and intranet for the purpose of informing different web development projects to be carried out under Lot 1 and Lot 2. Budget: €155.000

Deadline 13/1

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