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Úřad EU pro duševní vlastnictví z Alicante hledá firmu na vývoj SW. Rozpočet €71m


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Tendr: Poskytnutí služeb vývoje a údržby softwaru IT

Zadavatel: Úřad Evropské unie pro duševní vlastnictví (EUIPO), Alicante, Španělsko

Rámcový kontrakt na 60 měsíců / celkový budget €71.000.000

Obsahem výzvy k podání nabídek je zajištění poskytnutí služeb vývoje a údržby softwaru pro EUIPO.

The aim of the present European Union Intellectual Property Office (hereafter ‘the EUIPO’ or ‘the Office’) Call for Tender (hereafter ‘CfT’) is to obtain technical assistance in relation to Information Technology (hereafter ‘IT’) Software Development and Maintenance Services. It is envisaged that the Framework Contract (hereafter ‘FWC’) resulting from this CfT will be run by the EUIPO Digital Transformation Department (hereafter ‘DTD’), which is responsible for supplying all necessary IT services to the EUIPO in order to support the Office and enable it to achieve its goals. 

 The objective of the resulting FWC is twofold and consists of the following:   Provide the services that are necessary to enable the successful implementation of all the ITrelated projects in the current and future Strategic Plans of the Office. The current Strategic Plan, also known as SP2020, is expected to finish by 2020. At the time of writing the present CfT, the new Strategic Plan, also known as SP2025, is under preparation and it will have a fiveyear duration.  Provide the right tools in order to maintain the Office’s day-to-day operations, including corrective and adaptive maintenance activities over the IT systems falling under the scope of this CfT described later on in the present document. Throughout the present document, the winning tenderer of this CfT that will be contracted to run the resulting FWC, will be referred to as the ‘Contractor’, whereas other contractors that the Office has for other services in the context of separate framework contracts will be mentioned as ‘suppliers’, or ‘service providers’.

Deadline 29/4

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