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Tendr na UX/UI služby pro další z agentur EU. Budget €200 tisíc na 4 roky

Tendr: Design and UX services

Zadavatel: agentura EU

Rámcový kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €200.000

Deadline konec června

Požadované služby:

1. Service design: Assistance, advice, guidance and/or provision of services in the areas of service design and design thinking. 

2. User experience: Assistance, advice, guidance and/or provision of services in the area of user experience, user centered design and usability.

Základní požadavky:

The tenderer must be in a stable financial position

Yearly turnover of the last two financial years above €75.000

The tenderer must provide references for exactly three projects delivered in each of these fields (six references in total) delivered in the last three years with a minimum value for each project of €30,000. At least one of the projects must include user testing carried out online. A project can be submitted to prove experience in more than one field. 

The tenderer must provide references for three projects within the scope of the framework contract and delivered in the last three years showing the necessary language (English) coverage

The tenderer must provide one document (from the list of indicative deliverables above and pertaining to service design) of at least 10 pages and 4000 words and in English that it has drafted and published or delivered to a client in the last two years. The verification will be carried out on five pages of the document. The word and page count needs to be included on the cover page.

Capacity to create user personas – the tenderer must provide a document of at least 4 pages in English with at least two user personas for a corporate website.

The tenderer must provide a usability review of a web application of at least five pages in English. The document should include the business context, the review, and actionable recommendations for improvements. The review and recommendations should pertain to the desktop and the mobile version of the application.

The team delivering the service should include, as a minimum, the following profiles:

Project Manager: At least four years experience in project management, including overseeing project delivery, quality control of delivered service, client orientation and conflict resolution experience in projects of a similar size (at least €30,000), with experience in management of team of at least three people. 

Expert in service design: Relevant higher education and at least four years of professional experience in this area and within the scope of the contract.

Expert in usability: Relevant higher education and at least four years of professional experience in this area and within the scope of the contract. 

Project assistant: At least two years of professional experience in the areas of the contract.

Language quality check: at least two members of the team should have at least C1 level in the Common European Framework for Reference for Languages in English.  

Pro detaily volejte +32-473-116804 nebo pište

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