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Tendr na ICT poradenství a konzultace pro hlavní instituce EU vyhlášen. Ve hře jsou desítky milionů eur


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Tendr: Služby poradenství, srovnávání a konzultací v oblasti informačních a komunikačních technologií (ABC IV)

Zadavatel: Evropská komise, Directorate-General for Informatics, ICT Procurement and Contract Management Unit, Brussels

Zakázka na 4 roky. Vyhlašováno sice z Bruselu, práce ale budou probíhat po celé EU. Budget nespecifikován, ale rozhodně v desítkách milionů eur. Poslední obdobný tendr (struktura byla ale mírně odlišná) měl rozpočet kolem 100 milionů eur.

Kontrakt bude rozdělen na 3 na sobě nezávislé části (tj. můžete se hlásit do jedné, dvou nebo všech tří).

Část zakázky č.: 1 – Poradenské služby (výzkum a poradenství). Poradenské služby budou pokrývat potřeby účastnících se orgánů EU v oblasti přístupu ke standardním informacím (publikovaným zprávám) a informacím na zakázku (analytici, mentorování, týmová práce, navazování kontaktů atd.) zaměřené na podporu rozhodování na různých úrovních v oblasti organizace IT.

Část zakázky č.: 2 – Služby srovnávání (srovnávací hodnocení a posuzování kvality plnění). Srovnávací hodnocení je strukturovaný srovnávací proces, jehož výstupem je měření služeb, infrastruktury IT, výrobků a procesů organizace, pokud jde o osvědčené postupy, standardní rámce nebo ve srovnání s jejími vrstevníky. Služby srovnávání budou pokrývat potřeby účastnících se orgánů EU v oblasti srovnávání a přezkoumávání kvality plnění.

Část zakázky č.: 3 – Služby konzultací (konzultace a studie na vysoké úrovni). Služby konzultací (konzultace a studie na vysoké úrovni) budou pokrývat potřeby účastnících se orgánů EU v oblasti zakázkových a jednotlivých nestandardních informací v případě vysokoúrovňových a strategických problematik.

Deadline pro odeslání nabídek: 10/5

Bližší informace k jednotlivým lotům:

LOT1 (Services): Research and advice consists of access to standard information (published reports) and custom information (analysts, coaching, teamwork, networking events, etc.) aimed at supporting decision making at different levels in an IT organisation. It covers, for instance, paying a yearly fee giving access to the reports and building other options in it depending on the price.

Advice services shall cover the needs of the participating EU Institutions for:  Access to research materials  Advice  Attendance to events:

* Research materials (reports): Research materials (reports) should, e.g., summarize the current market situation for any aspect of ICT and provide a perspective on any current and future trends and developments in ICT. In a nutshell, access to the research reports should serve as “market intelligence”. Research reports shall cover at least the following ICT domains: a. ICT governance and management b. Computer hardware c. ICT infrastructure (including telecommunication and network services) d. Software products e. Information systems f. ICT security g. ICT quality management h. Data Management i. Artificial Intelligence

Research materials (reports) can be accessed in several ways:  By metered subscriptions – ordering of pre-paid packages of research materials for a given period;  By enterprise subscriptions to research materials covering all eligible staff ;  As part of individual subscriptions (standard individual subscriptions or CIO and CIO’s team member subscriptions).

* Advice: Advice is the provision of customized and individual intelligence to guide decision making or execution of a decision in the concrete context of the organisation. It can be executed via direct access to contractor’s experts, by means of face to face meetings or telephone talks in order to receive the expert’s opinion. Advice services shall cover at least the same ICT domains as the ones listed in above.  Advice will be provided as follows:  By metered subscriptions – ordering of pre-paid packages of analyst advice for a given period;  As part of individual subscriptions (standard individual subscriptions or CIO and CIO’s team member subscriptions).

* Attendance to events: Tickets can be proposed for attendance at events where specific subjects would be presented by leading experts and discussed with peers in the same function.

LOT2 (Benchmarking services): Benchmarking is a structured comparative process that delivers a measurement of an organization’s services, IT infrastructures, products and processes in terms of best practices, standard frameworks or against its peers. It provides reliable and independent information on the quality of IT infrastructures or services and on their relative financial performance. The goal of this process is to find areas for improvement and to determine how this can be achieved.

Benchmarking services shall cover the needs of the participating EU Institutions for:  Standard benchmarking;  Express benchmarking;  Quality reviews.

* Standard benchmarking: Standard benchmarking services should be flexible enough to include different categories of benchmarking including contract, financial, IT systems, specifications, services, maintenance and other types of benchmarking. Benchmarking should rely on comparison with market data/figures, or with common standards or best practices. Benchmarks could be requested for different things, for example on specific offers, deliveries, SLA performances. Most of DIGIT’s existing ICT supply and services framework contracts include benchmarking provisions. However benchmarking services will not be restricted only to DIGIT contracts, but can be done for any type of contract.

* Express benchmarking: Express benchmarking is a particular case of benchmarking that evaluates the resources necessary for the execution of a given project (ex-ante resource evaluation) or proposed in a contractor’s offer responding to a request for a specific contract or implementing a specific contract, in order to verify that they correspond effectively to the contract’s technical specifications and to the real needs (e.g. without over-estimation of volumes). It is an activity with a quick turn-around time and should provide information necessary to determine the correct number of resources needed to achieve a specific task. There are two types of express benchmarking services:  offer benchmarking; and  ex-ante resource evaluation.

The Offer Benchmarking service would be used to evaluate contractors’ offers for specific contracts submitted under Lot 3 of this call for tenders, but also offers requested in the context of other framework contracts in the field of development, studies and support of information systems, as well as provision of ICT operational services. An express benchmarking can also be done as an Ex-Ante Resource Evaluation, before the start of a particular project or before a specific offer from a contractor. This type of an evaluation is meant to support the preparation of proposals and/or projects. The purpose of this type of evaluation is to gather information and to determine the amount of resources needed in order to carry out the objectives of these projects.

* Delivery quality review: A delivery quality review is the process of reviewing an already existing deliverable and providing an opinion on its quality, as well as recommendations for specific points of improvement. The review consists of checking the quality of the content, reader experience, structure, DG/initiative/program branding, consistency, completeness, technical accuracy and alignment with relevant state-of-the art studies and research, as well as the level of detail. The goal of this process is to find specific areas of improvement for the document, as well as a set of recommendations on how to do this. The subject of the quality review can be studies on different types of IT and interoperability issues such as policies, strategies, frameworks, methods, guidelines, specifications and any kind of technical document (from IT System Architecture to testing plans, security, risk management etc.). A delivery quality review would consist of the review of a document with average length of approximately 100 pages.

LOT3 (Consulting services): Consulting services (high level consultancy and studies) are seen as provision of customized and individual, non-standard information for high-level and strategic issues. The following domains are covered: a. ICT governance and management; b. Information systems including Trans-European ICT solutions; c. Data management including big and open data, spatial data, public and scientific data d. ICT quality management; e. Computer hardware and software products; f. ICT infrastructure (including cloud, telecommunication and network services); g. Monitoring and evaluation approaches including user engagement and experience h. ICT security; i. Sharing and reuse practices.

In practical terms, consultancy is provided as on-demand services including assistance or coaching by senior consultants, workshops and specific deliverables like questionnaires or detailed studies or analyses, evaluation surveys (mid-term and final) reviews and monitoring of the performance of projects’ activities.

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