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Systém správy případů pro Evropskou investiční banku


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Tendr: Advanced Case Management System (e-CMS) for the EIB Group

Zadavatel: Evropská investiční banka, Luxembourg

Rámcová smlouva na 4 roky / budget €900.000

Deadline 16. prosinec

Systém hodnocení: 60% kvalita x 40% cena

Základní požadavky:

– technical:  The Tenderer must demonstrate experience in the delivery of one (1) similar assignment delivered within the last three (3) years prior to the deadline for submission of tenders relating to the supply, maintenance, support, training and related services of an Advanced Case Management System of a comparable nature and scale to that required under the Agreement.

– financial:  The Tenderer must be in a stable financial position to provide the required supplies and services.  The Tenderer must have for each of the past three financial years for which accounts have been closed and final audited figures are available, an annual turnover of at least EUR 250,000.

– složení týmu: * Junior Staff or Assistants * Case officer * Senior Case Officer * External expert/analyst * Manager * Super User * System Administrator

– místo dodání/realizace: Place of delivery The deliverables and Services will be provided at the EIB Group premises in Luxembourg.  Upon written authorization from the Bank, and for clearly designated periods of time to be agreed in advance with the Bank, the Service Provider may, work from its usual professional premises. This may include any preparatory tasks that can be done independently can be performed at the Service Provider’s premises.  All tasks during integration and implementation, which require significant interaction with EIB Group staff (e.g. business analysis, training, knowledge transfer) and/or access to EIB Group systems, must be performed at the EIB Group premises in Luxembourg. 

Expected Bank outcome – The solution proposed shall provide the following main improvements to the operations of each division/business unit: 

1. Enhanced management of Case work assignments and task delegation inside Case operations including but not limited to automated reminders that are set-up with no specific intervention, based on business rules and changes in Case status.

2. Improved level of security for confidential data ensuring that no unauthorised access is permitted to the Case repository or to personal data associated to Case/complaint records without specific credentials. The Case repository must be strictly confidential, with appropriate associated security access and cannot be shared with the other Divisions. 

 Access to data and reports must be centrally controlled and based on the rights of the user with system access that can be segregated by job role, sensitivity or other user-defined criteria. Local information collection, retention and privacy standards need to be probably enforceable for all jurisdictions. All actions taken should be user-identified and time-stamped into a single secure file. The ability to update or change data must also be tightly controlled based on user rights access levels, with retention of previous versions.

Segregation of group workflow and data must be foreseen.

3. Provision of mechanisms to deploy and use workflows enforcing the standardized approach to each Case category.

4. Enforcement of a more productive use of the standard office tools (MS Office as currently in use in the Bank) through the use of templates and prefilled forms in all follow up documents, reports and email messages associated with the Cases/complaints.

5. Provision of easier mechanisms for data access through search and text mining features in the internal data repository and external systems.

6. Facilitation of rapid evaluation of Case status and overall operational indicators through personalised dashboards.

7. Facilitation of overall tracking of activities and access to extensive reporting features for periodic and custom analysis of activities. 

8. Facilitation of the production of pre-defined reports and ad hoc reporting.

9. Provision of a visual representation (charting) of the contents of a Case.

10. Content management through a secure environment for storing documents that are not necessarily related to particular Case files. By default, each user should have a private folder to store, search and retrieve documents. In addition, public folders should also be available for shared materials and can be used as integrated reference points for all users to access forms and general-purpose documents and templates (provided they have the proper level of access, of course).

11. Team collaboration through an environment for secure communications on Case related matters between team members.

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