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Systém počítačového propojení EU institucí a agentur a úřadů členských států TESTA hledá nového provozovatele


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Tendr: Transevropské služby pro telematiku mezi správními orgány (TESTA)

Zadavatel: Evropská komise, Directorate-General for Informatics

Kontrakt na 96 měsíců / budget €423.000.000

Deadline pro EOI: 21/6

Předpokládané zahájení tendru: přelom červenec/srpen

Popis: Jde obecně o řešení interoperability pro evropské orgány veřejné správy.

Background: In 1996, for the first time, EU Institutions and agencies were interconnected with Member States by TESTA system. Today they use current TESTA-ng.

TESTA-ng allows interconnection and provides services to a wide number of registered applications and stakeholders including Member States’ administrations, European Institutions and European Agencies (known as the Eurodomain network, hereafter “Eurodomain”). Some European countries not currently part of the European Union are also connected.

The TESTA-ng framework is also extensively used by:   eu-LISA (previously by the Commission DG Home) for the implementation of the Schengen Information System (SIS II) and the Visa Information System (VIS) networks,   EUROPOL for the implementation of its own dedicated EUROPOL network, and  the Secretariat General of the Council of the European Union for the implementation of its own dedicated network.

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