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Projekt EU INNOLABS rozdělí padesáti malým firmám z oblasti mHealth €1.5 milionu


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Projekt INNOLABS financovaný z prostředků EU určených a vývoj a výzkum vyhlásil 1. kolo soutěže o nejlepší projekty v oblasti mHealth.

The INNOLABS project aims to develop, improve and deliver disruptive technologies mainly related to mHealth, personalised healthcare and ageing populations. They foster collaboration, transfer of knowledge and opportunities among SMEs from different countries and sectors.

Prvních 25 projektů dostane odměnu €30.000 (k volnému použití) + dalších €25.000 na další vývoj „inovativních služeb“. Dalších 25 vybraných získá €10.000.

Na co se zaměřit? Kdo má šanci na peníze?

ICT and health: The challenge is to help ageing populations remain independent and active in their communities (especially rural and remote ones) with ICT-based assistive solutions.

Biotech and health: The challenge is to use biotechnology to support an approach to care that is predictive, preventative, personalized and participatory. This encompasses diagnosis, prognosis, treatment options, monitoring and rehabilitation.

Solutions generated by end-users: We are seeking solutions that build on an original idea generated from (i) someone working within or (ii) a patient(s) treated by – a service along the health and social care continuum. In particular, products and processes that are more affordable and less invasive.

Deadline 30/9/2017

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