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Pražské Galileo chce předělat interiéry za €450 tisíc

Tendr: Návrh interiéru budovy ústředí EU agentury GSA – Galileo v Praze

Zadavatel: Agentura pro evropský GNSS (GSA), Praha 7, Janovského 438/2

Deadline: 26/10

Agentura GSA pořádá tendr na architektonický návrh části interiéru její centrály v Praze 7 včetně návrhu rozpočtu realizace a následné “implementace”. Strop akce je stanoven na €450.000.

V EU je to dost neobvyklé, ale nejlepší účastníci dostanou dokonce odměnu za účast: 1 prize: EUR 15,000, 2nd prize: EUR 12,000, 3rd prize: EUR 10,000, 4th prize: EUR 7,000, 5th prize: EUR 5,000.

O klasickou architektonickou soutěž ale nejde. Vítěz bude řídit i realizaci a může utratit €450.000 třeba za “svůj” nábytek.

Background: In the near future, the GSA should become the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA). This new agency should perform a series of activities in the frame of the new EU Space Programme, which will be notably linked to the EU satellite navigation systems Galileo and EGNOS The GSA headquarters in Prague will become the EUSPA headquarters. A new interior design shall be developed to serve as a basis for the refurbishment of the building. As for the exterior only the logo will be changed.

The candidates shall propose the design for all the spaces above. The interior design shall not affect the destination of the offices, sanitary and kitchen facilities. The interior design shall not include reconstruction in the building, meaning no wall can be removed, no architectural solid change should be implemented.

The candidates are encouraged to use the current equipment and furniture but shall feel confident to propose other options if this fits the budget and the overall design concept.

Each design concept should be also provided with a budget for the realisation of each area, based on relevant cost. The overall cost for the implementation of the design shall not exceed 450,000 EUR (four hundred fifty thousand euros)

Scope of the design contest: The scope of the requested design concerns the common parts of the building (i.e. the lobby, cafeterias, corridors, interior doors, staircase, terrace) and meeting and videoconference rooms only. The aim of the requested design is to rationalise/improve the common parts of the interior of the building in terms of:

– Organisation; Image, with particular emphasis on the mission of the EUSPA and the role of the EU in the space sector; Esthetical aspect, with particular emphasis on the technological character of the EUSPA activities.

The new interior design shall create a pleasant and efficient workspace for both visitors and staff. It should reflect the enlarged responsibilities of the Agency. It should allow demonstrations of space applications and explanations of the different components of the EU Space Programme.

This design contest concerns the following parts of the building:

• Lobby (500 m2), including the corridors No 120 and No 124. The lobby is used to welcome visitors and receptions, to gather staff and present the achievements of the Agency.

• Two cafeterias:

o Room No 460 (160 m2 — 4th floor) aiming to gather staff and be an Agency staff networking and communication space.

o Room (60 m2 — 1st floor) aiming to welcome outside visitors to the Agency

• Meeting rooms:

o No 126: The Administrative Board meeting room of the Agency is a key room for the agency and already very distinctive. Update can be only minor.

o No 156: This room is used as a conference room for large gatherings either with outside visitors or with staff.

o No 158-159: These rooms are widely used for large meetings involving GSA stakeholders and are open during public events.

o No 533 (Kolegium): This room is used for management meetings and for high-level video conference meetings.

o No 570: This video conference meeting room is used for video conferences.

o As regards all the above-mentioned rooms designed for video-conferences, the design concept should include elements to make visible identity of the Agency during the video-conferences to other participants to such conferences on distance, such as wallpapers behind the GSA participants

• Corridors: All the corridors are to be considered including the passage between the corridors around the elevators and the walkway of the 6th floor.

• Interior doors.

• The terrace on the fifth floor: Only the terrace facing the river shall be part of the design concept. The changes proposed for this terrace should not be permanent features visible from the river side when looking at the Agency building.

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