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Pražská EUSPA potřebuje pomoc s “papírováním”. Za další čtyři roky za ni zaplatí 120 milionů

Jediná evropská agentura, která sídlí v Praze (ex-Galileo, teď se jmenuje EUSPA) vypisuje docela velký tendr na externí administrativní podporu. Za 120 milionů korun na příští čtyři roky. Podle zadání potřebuje pomoc s organizací různých jednání a akcí a s “papírováním”… Hmmm. Agentura má teď kolem 150 zaměstnanců… Co tam vlastně dělají?

Tendr na : Služby administrativní podpory v centrále EUSPA v Praze

Zadavatel : EUSPA – Agentura EU pro kosmický program (EUSPA)

Stručný popis : EUSPA bude požadovat administrativní podporu ve všech interních útvarech svého ústředí v Praze

Kontrakt na 4 roky / celkový budget €4.600.000

Deadline pro nabídku 12/1/2022

Popis: The scope of the activities … is related to provision of administrative support to all organisational units within EUSPA, such as Galileo Services department, HR department, Finance department etc. For the organisational structure of the Agency please refer to the organisational structure at

The support will consist of the following services:

a) Services related to organization of online/physical meetings and events related to Agency administrative functioning, i.e. preparing agenda, sending invitations, coordinating catering support, booking rooms (in an internal or external venue), preparing presence list, and other relevant services;

b) Various clerical services, such as drafting correspondence, preparing relevant minutes, reports, statistics, notes, presentations, updating databases, monitoring of work in progress, calendars/agendas, mails monitoring, proof-reading of documents, formatting of relevant documentation;

c) Document management (electronic and physical archives), ensuring efficient archiving, preparing and coordinating internal validation workflows, registering of documents, managing incoming and outgoing correspondence, other administrative support and clerical tasks.

d) Services of arranging business trips; travel and accommodation booking and processing reimbursement claims in accordance with applicable rules; i.e. contacting the agreed provider and research for an optimal travel agenda, booking the flights and accommodation, collecting supporting documents for claims reimbursement, managing the reimbursement processes, processing related internal workflows etc.;

e) Administrative services related to corporate matters as needed (e.g. financial and human resources management, procurement, ICT and facilities – maintaining various databases, compiling requested input for various purposes, i.e. preparing presentations, organizing team events, scheduling team meetings, taking minutes, booking rooms, inviting participants etc.);

The support may include other not mentioned activities of administrative nature. The scope of these additional activites will however be marginal compared to the activities mentioned above. Effort for the Contractor’s own management of the Contract must not be charged separately but shall be included in the price of the Contract.

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