Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Pořádání akcí, “živých” i virtuálních, pro Europol


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Zakázka: Služby cestovní kanceláře (1) a řízení akcí (2) – tj. 2 zakázky v jednom, lze se hlásit do obou nebo jen do jedné z nich

Zadavatel: Agentura EU pro spolupráci v oblasti prosazování práva (Europol), The Hague

Rámcová smlouva na 4 roky / celkový rozpočet: €25.500.000

LOT1: Služby cestovní kanceláře €23.000.000

LOT2: Řízení akcí €2.500.000

Deadline pro nabídku: 13/11

Základní podmínky pro LOT2 events:

·        OBRAT: Average yearly turnover of the last two financial years must be equal to or greater than €1.250.000

·        REFERENCE: Tenderers must have performed in the last three years at least four contracts for Event Management Services, similar (in scope and complexity) to the services covered by this call for tenders. At least one of the contracts must have a value of minimum €60.000. The contracts (altogether) must cover the following type of events:

– 1 contract for the organisation of an in-presence and/or hybrid (i.e. in-presence and virtual) event in the Netherlands*** for at least 1,000 participants;

– 3 contracts for the organisation of in-presence and/or hybrid (i.e. in-presence and virtual) events within or outside the Netherlands but either within the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA) up to 50 participants.

*** v případě toho Holandska – myslím, že na dotaz by mohli souhlasit s obdobnou referencí z okolních zemí (Belgie)


It is expected that Europol may need support for the organisation of approximatively 30 events per year. This number may increase in the course of the Framework Contract. Events in The Hague or the Netherlands
NumberType1Participants (average figure)
1All-staff event2000
2Large scale high-level events for which we may include a gala dinner in a prestigious venue (museum, city hall, etc.)300-400
4Management days out10-100
55 meetings on operational or non-operational matters10-70
1010 dinners (at the end of operational meetings, for events involving the Executive or Deputy Executive Directors, etc.)

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