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Pomoc s digitální komunikací pro Hospodářský a sociální výbor EU: €900 tisíc na 4 roky práce

Tendr: Poskytování služeb v oblasti analýz digitální komunikace

Zadavatel: Evropský hospodářský a sociální výbor (EESC), Brusel

Rámcový kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €900.000

Maximální počet firem, se kterými EESC podepíše rámcový kontrakt: 3 (systém: kaskáda)

Stručný popis: Obecné webové projekty; poradenství; informační setkání, prezentace, školení; řízení vícejazyčnosti; architektura webových informací; technický vývoj webových stránek a souvisejících systémů; grafický návrh, návrh uživatelského prostředí, přístupnost a použitelnost; hodnocení, reference, umístění, ankety, průzkumy; řízení předplatného internetových produktů; související administrativní služby.

Deadline 14/4

Detaily: The purpose of this call for tenders is the provision of services in the field of digital communication, including a wide range of assistance, technical development and optimisation tasks, for platforms and websites mostly based on Drupal (and possibly on MS Sharepoint), applications or other IT modules and systems relevant to communication.

The subject matter of this call for tenders is a framework service contract for the provision of services in the field of digital communication, including in particular the following aspects:

•             general internet projects;

•             assistance;

•             information sessions, presentations, training;

•             managing multilingualism;

•             web information architecture;

•             technical development of websites and related systems;

•             graphic design, user experience design (UX), accessibility and useability;

•             assessment, referencing and positioning; user surveys;

•             related administrative services; contribution to certain updates and implementation on websites; management of subscriptions for internet products.

Minimální požadavky na uchazeče:

* Minimum turnover for each of the last two financial years of EUR 450 000 in the field of digital communication services.

* The tenderer must prove its experience in the fields of general web projects, assistance, training, managing multilingualism, web information architecture, technical development of websites and related systems, graphic design, accessibility and usability, evaluation, referencing, positioning, user surveys and polls.

* The tenderer must prove its ability to work in two official languages of the EU, including at least English.

* The tenderer must prove its ability to draft reports in English.

Složení týmu: minimální požadavky:

Project manager: At least eight years’ experience in project management, including overseeing project delivery, quality control of delivered service, client orientation and conflict resolution experience in a project of a similar size and coverage (at least two countries covered), with experience in managing a team of at least 20 people.

Trainers: At least two years’ professional experience. Relevant higher education degree or equivalent professional experience and at least four years’ professional experience in the field.

Experts in technical web development: At least four years’ professional experience. Relevant higher education degree or equivalent professional experience and at least eight years’ professional experience in the field.

Experts in graphic design: At least three years’ professional experience. Relevant higher education degree or equivalent professional experience and at least six years’ professional experience in the field.

Case Study: lay out a solution for a web project.

The tenderer shall submit the below-mentioned deliverables for a progressive web application for Android and iOS that will allow users to personalise, customise and share content hosted on the EESC website. The personalisation shall allow content items to be selected by type or topic from the existing website architecture and displayed in the order chosen by the user. The application shall be multilingual, covering all 24 EU languages, and integrate the use of machine translation for content items that are not available in all languages. The application shall function as one of the EESC’s hubs for information provision and dissemination of the outcome of its work. Therefore, a consistent and creative approach must be taken to the use of and integration with social media platforms and features (strategy, tools, features and platforms to be used).

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