Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

PHP vývojáři, hlaste se. EU vás potřebuje:)

Hledám firmu (českou, slovenskou, to je celkem jedno…), která může nabídnout alespoň 3 zkušené vývojáře v PHP + nějaké významnější reference v posledních 3 letech. Jde o složení konsorcia pro podání nabídky do tendru pro jednu z agentur Evropské unie.

Vývojáři MUSÍ splňovat tato kritéria:

– Completed university studies of at least three years’ duration attested by a diploma relevant to the scope of the services requested.

– At least five (5) years’ professional experience related to the implementation of applications based on PHP language and with building dynamic web pages using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

– At least three (3) years’ professional experience with at least two of the following technologies: o PHP-based Content Managements Systems, o Database applications and MySQL RDBMS, o MVC structure and frameworks, o LAMP architecture (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP).

– Within the five years’ professional experience at least two years’ professional experience with SOAP and REST technologies.

– A good knowledge of English language (at least B2 level).

Pište, volejte! (, +32-473-116804)

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