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OSN zafinancuje multimediální projekt o kulturním dědictví Albánie. Tendr běží

Tender: Creation of multimedia content and equipment supply (Creation of a content for multimedia interpretation output in a number of cultural heritage assets in Albania)

Zadavatel: UNOPS – UN Office for Project Services

Scope of Works: The contractor under this ToR is required to provide all the necessary task force to carry out all activities necessary for Creation of a content for multimedia interpretation output in a number of cultural heritage assets in Albania. The contractor’s methodology and program of works should allow for the works to be completed as per the descriptions outlined in Annex A. The contractor shall during the implementation be in a direct contact and would develop and implement its service under a direct guidance of the conceptual creator of digital output.

The Scope of Work shall include all required implementation activities to ensure the correct and proper realization of the project, for Creation of a content for multimedia interpretation output in a number of cultural heritage assets in Albania to the acceptance of UNOPS as specified in the contract documents. The work on development of the content shall be preceded by preliminary concepts, storyboard and similar and which are subject to approval of both UNOPS and bodies of Ministry of Culture.

These works include and are not limited to the following – preparation, research, on-site work, product development, testing and training for post users defined as per each site as follows:

Ethnographic Museum in Kavaja

– The work shall be based in following principles of engagement: Interaction, Immersion, Discovery, Local Communities Involvement, Traditional handicrafts transmission and update, Marketing and Promotion

– The service includes following products to be developed in the garden and the interior of the building:

The WonderGarden (the garden)

The Garden in front of the Museum should become an emotional experience. All the following contents should aim more to create a sense of wonder and magic than to communicate specific contents. The various videos and installations should be coordinated to each other with a unique direction.

● VideoMapping on the Facade and on the Trees

– Content: Graphic and emotional effects. Short videos featuring historical photographs and scenes of 19th century life and customs in Albania

● Videos on the windows

– Content: Graphic and emotional effects. Short videos featuring historical photographs and scenes of 19th century life and customs in Albania

● Interactive Lights in the Garden

– Content: Topic related sensible light shows

● FlowAR (Augmented Reality Flowers)

– Content: 3d animated flowers to be seen in Augmented Reality in a iOS and Android Smartphone application including QR reading and display of information

● The Magic Wells (sound and/or lights in the wells)

– Content: Topic related sensible light and sound shows

● Augmented Reality Temporary Exhibitions with animated gifs

– Content: animated gif to be seen in a iOS and Android Smartphone application including augmented reality

The Interior

● Multimedia contents to be displayed on tablets in each room

– Content: Videos and photos intertvinned with information about displayed artefacts and history of the room

● Multimedia contents to be displayed on the Large Multitouch Table

– Content: Videos and photos intertvinned with information about displayed artefacts and history of the room

● Interactive Hologram of Artistic Clay Products (leap motion + 3d hologram)

– Content: 3d models and animations of clay products, interaction programming with leap motion

● Interactive Discovery of traditional handicrafts (RFID + videos)

– Content: RFID and a Number of videos relating to specific topics for a number of chosen artefacts

● Holograms with traditional artisans

– Content: 3D Hologram visuals of practical works

● Virtual Dressing Room

– Content: vertical touch screen with kinect, interface to select traditional dressing, 3d models of traditional dresses, virtual dressing programming and interaction

● 3d printer for laboratories

Ethnographic Museum in Kruja

– The work shall be based in following principles of engagement: Interaction, Immersion, Discovery, Local Communities Involvement, Traditional handicrafts transmission and update, Marketing and Promotion

– The service includes following products to be developed in the interior of the building:

● Audiopen

– Content: Short descriptions regarding a selected number of artefacts; sections of the interior; sections of the house

– Equipment: (Minimum 60, i.e. 2 groups at the same time) Audio pens with sensors

● Virtual reality immersive video and imaging

– Content: Virtual reality video and imaging related to a created experience of life of 18th century

– Equipment: 2 VR Headsets, installation and cabling

● See through screen

– Content: Historical text, videos, and sounds

– Equipment: Screen, cam, installation and cabling

● Multimedia contents to be displayed on tablets in each room

– Content: Videos and photos intertvinned with information about displayed artefacts and history of the room

– Equipment: (1 for each room, plus 3 backups) Tablets

● Holograms with traditional artisans

– Content: 3D Hologram visuals of practical works

– Equipment: Light projectors, installation and cabling

● Virtual dressing room

– Content: Interactive dressing, historical information

– Equipment: Kinect 3d and large vertical screen Venetian Tower in Durres

– The work shall be based in following principles of engagement: Interaction, Immersion, Discovery, Local Communities Involvement, Traditional customs transmission and update, Marketing and Promotion Venetian Tower is planned to become a Heritage Information Center (HIC) becoming the first point in visiting heritage sites around Durres.

● The Venetian Tower HIC to present heritage sites around Durres using 4 ways of communication:

● Digital onsite reading using touch screens and VR headsets

– Content: Videos and photos intertvinned with information about cultural heritage assets of Durres and surroundings 3d, 360° video, graphic and audio Contents

You will feel in the centre of the main Durres Historical Heritage Locations. You could find yourself both inside real 360° landscapes or interiors, and inside 3d reconstruction of past (or future) locations.

At least 6 locations should be provided

Navigation interface, in at least 5 languages (ALB – ENG – DEU – ESP – ITA)

Soundtrack and audio effects

Voice off that gives information for each location (eventually) For deaf people, the option to open a text instead of the voice.

● Explorative audio based information conducted through either audio guide to receive at the HIC or uploaded information on smartphone and tables. The visitor is equipped with map, audio guide or is asked to upload an app and they follow comprehensive itineraries including all interesting spots to visit alongside important historical and practical information pertaining sites of interest

– Content: Smartphone application with videos and photos intertvinned with information about cultural heritage assets of Durres and surroundings. Itineraries should inclue number of short and long visitations to the city and its surroundings

– Content: Audio guide application with voice recordings telling the narrative of information about cultural heritage assets of Durres and surroundings. Itineraries should inclue number of short and long visitations to the city and its surroundings

App Interface design in 5 languages ALB – ENG – DEU – ESP – ITA

Graphic Map of Durres and surroundings to be delivered to visitors

At least 10 locations (Durres and surroundings)

For each location:

– text

– audio in 5 languages ALB – ENG – DEU – ESP – ITA)

– (eventually) multimedia content (images, video, etc.)

– Equipment: 40 Audio guides

● Performance based augmented and experiential interpretation which is showcased in the HIC several times through day

– Content:

Inside the Dome you’ll find 3 experiences. All the experiences will use the video-projection system on the dome with 6 projectors.

interactive speaking: people talk in front of one side of the doom towards the wall, a visual effect shows the words (in graphic forms as texts, lights, visual effects, etc.) that fly over the doom through the opposite side. Where people speak you have a microphone, in the opposite side an audio speaker that reproduces the audio recorded from the microphone. The speakers should be invisble and very direct and local, so that the sound will be heard only nearby.

– Content: interaction programming, generative 3d video effects, sound design

– interactive earthquake: a platform where you can climb on. Under the platform a pressure sensor. When people jump over the platform, abruptly appears a video effect on the dome that simulate earthquake, with the doom that breaks in pieces and trembling sounds. The more the people jump, the more the earthquake is strong

– Content: interaction programming, video and 3d effects, sound design

– Dome projection

The Durres Historical and Cultural Heritage Locations, a sort of immersive voyage through the past (and maybe the future) of Durres, with special 3d videomapping effects.

Video for mapping should be shooted at least in 4K

Video show lenghth at least 10′

The experiences 1) and 2) will be always available. The experience 3) will be a sort of show that takes place at scheduled times. A central management system is needed.

– Interpretative learning of city’s development through digital periscopes viewing on the terrace of the Tower

– Content: Drone footage and sound recording for interactive displays through periscopes.

– Content: Sound recording for amplification of sound when climing the stairs in the tower 3d, 360° video, graphic and audio Contents

You will discover Durres Historical Heritage Locations usinge the periscopes in Augmented Reality. You could find yourself both in past or future locations, with real or reconstructed contents, also with 3d and graphical reconstructions.

At least 6 locations should be provided

Navigation interface, in at least 5 languages

Soundtrack and audio effects

Voice off that gives information for each location (eventually) For deaf people, the option to open a text instead of the voice.

Hamam in Durres

– The work shall be based in following principles of engagement: Interaction, Immersion, Discovery, Local Communities Involvement, Traditional customs transmission and update, Marketing and Promotion

Hamam in Durres is planned to host a content relating to interpretation of the usage of Hamams

● Digital onsite reading using screens

– Content: Videos and photos intertvinned with information about Hamams; the screens shall be located in each room; and the information need to be room specific

● Sounds of Hamam

– Content: Voice recording (including different gender, age and similar) including the interpretation of stories shared when using hamam

Castle of Bashtova

– The Castle in Bashtova is planned to have an interpretation content created both within the fortification walls and in the Interpretation center to be developed at the entrance of the Castle:

– Augmented Reality System that will let people create their own AR objects and show them in

the Castle

– Digital onsite reading using touch screens

– Content: Videos and photos intertvinned with information about the Castle; the tablets to be available at the Interpretation Center.

3d, 360° video, graphic and audio Contents

You will receive the information of all the sites around the Castle of Bashtova. You could find yourself both inside real 360° landscapes or interiors, and inside 3d reconstruction of past (or future) locations.

At least 6 locations should be provided

Navigation interface, in at least 5 languages (ALB – ENG – DEU – ESP – ITA)

Soundtrack and audio effects

Voice off that gives information for each location (eventually) For deaf people, the option to open a text instead of the voice.

– Augmented Reality System that will let people create their own AR objects and show them in the Castle

– An Augmented Reality (AR) system – the Bashtova AR Garden – that is made of 3 elements:

1) AR application, that will be installed in tablets available at the Interpretation Center and could also be downloaded and installed in visitors smartphones (iOS and Android). The AR will show a virtual garden made of plants that grow in various zones of the Castle.

2) A system to create 3d generative and animated objects that will be uploaded in the AR application. The creation system should let people to create their own 3d animated vegetable and floral objects by choosing between elements provided by the system and assembling them together. The final result of creation will be a new “virtual plant”, with its own generative system of growth. The virtual plant will be then sown in the Bashtova AR Garden and will be available in the App in a specified place in the Castle.

The creation system should available both in a “creation station” inside the Interpretation Center and on the internet.

3) A system of speakers, hidden in several points in the Castle (Walls, Towers, Field, etc.). The speakers will reproduce sounds of imagined animals, visitors should perceive their presence without seeing them (a sort of Augmented Audio Reality)

– Content to be provided:

o AR Application

o Creation System

o A central system to control the speakers and the audio contents

o An initial group of virtual plants and imagined animals sounds.

Archaeological Museum in Durres

– The Archaeological Museum in Durres is planned to have two black box units with digital content displaying specific topics

– Performance based augmented and experiential interpretation which is showcased in a black box space


Inside the black box one gets the experience related to archaeology:

Box 1 – Experience of underwater archaeology in action

Box 2 – Experience of terrestrial archaeology

– Content: interaction programming, generative 3d video effects, sound design 4 situations:

1) Wide touchscreen at the entrance, and wall-mounted tablet in each section of the exposition, with multimedia contents about the Museum and the Exposition.

2) Custom AR/VR Periscopes to explore undersea archaelogy: think of having a periscope on wheels (a sort of cart or moving robot, with a viewer) that could move around the museum, looking down, under the floor. In the viewer (could be a tablet) you see the sea instead of the floor, and moving around you could look for archaelogical pieces beneath the sea/floor. As you discover one of them, you can pick it and discover what it is. The system should work as a sort of mixed reality, the archaelogical objects to discover could be related to markers or georeferenced.

3) VR Hub: VR Headsets (at least 5) and archaelogy app library: The Museum will have a section dedicated to Virtual Reality and Archaelogy. Visitors could try VR Headsets, and they could choose between several Archaelogical VR Applications realized all over the world. Also a collective exploration could be experienced, with Multiuser VR applications that provide shared experiences where users can communicate and interact in the same virtual space.

The VR Hub is designed also to be a place for education and classes.

4) Dig and Play: an area with soil to dig, under the soil you find videos (tablet or screens) with archaelogical pieces

– Content to be provided:

o Multimedia content and interfaces for entrance touchscreen and for all the tablets in each section of the Exposition

o AR/VR Application, to be used inside the Periscopes, with 3d animated environment (the sea) and 3d Archaelogical objects.

o A library of Archaelogical VR application, that should be chosen from the best in the world, acquired and be available in the Museum

o 3d animated objects and interaction system for the Dig and Play area.

The service of Creating a content for multimedia interpretation output in a number of cultural heritage assets in Albania shall be carried out in accordance with standards of universal access, standards of inclusive and storytelling interpretation, and shall be prepared in minimum 5 languages. (ALB – ENG – DEU – ESP – ITA)

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