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Mobilní aplikace pro EU program Erasmus+ potřebuje změnu


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Tendr: Zdokonalení mobilní aplikace Erasmus+

Zadavatel: Evropská komise, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Brussels

Kontrakt na 30 měsíců / budget €1.000.000

Stručný popis: Prioritou probíhajících příprav nového programu Erasmus+ v rámci nové vize pro roky 2021-2027 byla jeho digitalizace, zjednodušení a inkluze. Úspěšná stávající mobilní aplikace Erasmus+ by měla být dále rozvinuta do podoby jediného vstupního bodu, který vysokoškolským i jiným studentům poskytne pomoc ve všech fázích jejich mobility, poskytne on-line nástroje, které mohou tito studenti využít pro správu svých mobilit a jiných služeb, a umožní jim přístup k informacím a podpoře před, během i po skončení období jejich mobility.

The app’s existing features include the following:

 Structured information on opportunities available under Erasmus+;

 ‘Step-by-step’ checklists to guide Erasmus+ students, VET learners and participants in youth exchanges through the most important milestones before, during and after their stays abroad;

 Push-notifications for direct and timely communication with home and host higher education institutions under Erasmus+ student mobility for studies;

 Ability for Erasmus+ students in higher education to manage their learning agreements through a link to the Online Learning Agreement system;

 General and city-specific tips generated by Erasmus+ students;

 A newsfeed detailing local events and activities for Erasmus+ students from the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) website, fed by local ESN branches;

 A link out to the Erasmus+ Online Linguistic Support website.

The specific objectives of this new contract are:

 The enhancement of the Erasmus+ app and the development of accessible desktop versions to become the new single point of entry for students to information and services related to student mobility before, during and after their periods of mobility.

 The maintenance of the current Erasmus+ app and its associated websites during the development period, and a seamless transition from the existing app to the enhanced app

 The promotion of the enhanced Erasmus+ app and its associated services to learners and their institutions.

 The continuous improvement and maintenance of the app and its desktop versions based on user feedback and metrics.

 The monitoring and reporting the usage of the systems, and the provision of helpdesk support to users.

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