Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Malé, ale můžou být vaše. Nízkorozpočtové a tak trochu „utajené“ EU tendry


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Instituce a agentury EU nemusejí tendry do hodnoty 60.000 euro zveřejnovat v Úředním věstníku. Takže to pochopitelně nedělají a o jejich vypsání se dozví ještě méně zájemců než u větších soutěží. Tady je přehled nízkorozpočtových tendrů několika ústavů Joint Research Centre EU, které budou vypsány v letošním třetím a čtvrtém čtvrtletí:

* Inventory of critical raw materials used in the EU Defence Sector 60.000 Q2-3

* X-Ray Optics for XRD 30.000 Q2-3

* Information about the chemical industry for third countries and the EU. 50.000 Q2-3

* High precision translation stages 25.000,00

* Improvements in ensemble system to urban dispersion requirement 50.000,00 Q4 (Oct –December)

* EU-Wide source-receptor models, to reproduce the link between emissions and concentrations. 30,000 3rd quarter

* Feasibility study and initial specifications for the development of a database for recycling rates of materials for various product categories. 50,000 3rd quarter

* Satellite imagery validation for OTS checks. 20,000 3rd quarter

* Study on EFA at farm level 25,000 3rd quarter

* Photo-Interpretation for LUCAS 30,000 3rd quarter

* Study contract on the use of INSPIRE for agriculture. 25,000 3rd quarter

* Life Cycle Data Network help desk 55,000 3rd quarter

* Call for LCI data 55,000 3rd quarter

* Enhancement of the LCA (Life CycleAssessment ) resource direktory 55,000 3rd quarter

* LiDAR and sub-meter orthophotos for the river Narev in Poland, acquired using an airplane 20,000 3rd quarter

* Web Server software for crop monitoring 30,000 3rd quarter

* Study on 2% error of reference parcels 30,000 3rd quarter

* SPIRITS website technical improvements 2014 30,000 3rd quarter

* Scoping Study on Scenarios and other Future-oriented Studies 35,000 3rd quarter

* A trap (sampling/pre-concentration) system ADS (Adsorption/Desorption Sampling device), RIX pump, standards (calibrations gases), canisters, spareparts 40,000 3rd quarter

* The Danube Geo Directory 60,000 3rd quarter

* Supply and maintenance of 2 communication analyzers for the Smart Grid interoperability lab 60,000 3rd quarter

* Supply and maintenance of a mid-range electric vehicle including battery 25 000.00- 40 000.00 3rd quarter

* Supply and maintenance of a low-value electric vehicle including battery 15 000.00 -25 000.00 3rd quarter

* Improvement of the JRC fleet model 30 000 3rd quarter

* Supply of components regarding the implementation of IEC 61850 standard for the smart grid interoperability 55 000 3rd quarter

* Supply and maintenance of a Liquid Chromatography and Diode Array Analyzer 55 000 4th quarter

* Supply and maintenance of a fuel consumption measuring device for the JRC VELA 7 test facility 55 000 4th quarter

* High Speed Data Acquisition For Transient Dynamics 35.000 3rd quarter

* Manufacture of doors for containers made of composite materials 30.000 3rd quarter

* A population genetic study on Mediterranean blue shark for the stock identification and conservation: DNA sequencing; 55.000 3rd quarter

* Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) multiconstellation simulator for international systems such as GPS, Galileo, Glonass 60.000 3rd quarter

* Strategy report for the implementation of a capacity building program for European Neighbour Policy Initiative (ENPI) countries for DG ECHO 59.000 3rd quarter

* Improvement of the design of the IPTS data management webtool for agricultural, food security and bioeconomy statistical datasets: overal appearance and organisation; set of predefined visualisation elements for the main relevant data € 30,000.00 Q3(July-Sept)

* Mapping ICT enabled Social innovation policy experiences supporting integrated social service provision in Europe € 60,000.00 Q3 (July-Sept)

* Mapping ICT enabled Social innovation policy experiences supporting active ageing, independent living and long term care, in Europe € 60,000.00 Q3 (July-Sept)

* Behavioural economics and cybersecurity € 60,000.00 Q3 (July-Sept)

* Data and indicators to monitor development of ICT innovation in the EU and major global economies € 20,000.00 Q3 (July-Sept)

* Modelling risk in the IFM-CAP model (Individual Farm Model for the Common Agricultural Policy) € 60,000.00 Q3 (July-Sept)

* Behavioural Study on Physical Activity II € 60,000.00 Q4 (July-Sept)

* Development of model(s) to measure the impact of the EIP on Active and Healthy ageing € 60,000.00 Q4 (July-Sept)

* Case studies on Open Innovation in ICT € 60,000.00 Q4 (July-Sept)

* Study on ICT innovation barriers & drivers € 60,000.00 Q4 (July-Sept)

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