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Jedna z EU agentur potřebuje “migrovat” web z Drupalu 7 do Drupalu 8


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Tendr: Provision of Website Development, Maintenance and Support

Zadavatel: EU agentura – Lucembursko

Detaily: Zadavatel hledá dodavatele, se kterým podepíše 4-letou rámcovou smlouvu na „comprehensive range of website services to enhance, develop, maintain, host, and support“. Stávající website je postaven na CMS Drupal 7 s následujícími funkcemi: „…on VMWare there is a set of virtual machines (VM). …The CentOS, Apache, MySQL and PHP (LAMP) stack has several servers with “separation of concern” design, including Varnish cache and HTTPS encryption. The Drupal code of the Website consists of core Drupal, several contrib modules, a few custom modules, and several features (i.e. specific configurations).

Hodně zjednodušeně řečeno, zadavatel chce provést bezproblémovou migraci z Drupalu 7 na Drupal 8 + řadu dalších souvisejících služeb.

Základní výběrová kritéria: minimální obrat €500.000 ročně v posledních dvou letech. Uchazeč dále musí prokázat:

* has sufficient staff, infrastructure, and other necessary resources in place, readily available, and operational as of the publication date of this PQD to provide all the necessary Website Services

* has previous experience of building a Drupal stack involving more than one server hosted by a client in the last 36 months prior to the issue of this PQD

* has previous experience of building website on a DCCSS in the last 24 months prior to the issue of this PQD.

* has experience, in the last 24 months prior to the issue of this PQD, of implementing and can implement virtual machines and/or containers

* has experience implementing Content Delivery Network solution within the last 24 months prior to the issue of this PQD and can implement a Content Delivery Network

* has experiencing implementing, in the last 24 months prior to the issue of this PQD, and can implement an automated monitoring tool.

* has experience implementing a Drupal 7 website to a client in the last 24 months prior to the issue of this PQD and can implement a Drupal 7 website

* has experience implementing a Drupal 8 website to a client in the last 24 months prior to the issue of this PQD and can implement a Drupal 8 website.

Deadline Nov 11

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