Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

IT služby všeho druhu pro EU agenturu pro námořní bezpečnost


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Tendr na: ICT Horizontal Services

Zadavatel: Evropská agentura pro námořní bezpečnost (EMSA), Lisbon

Rámcová smlouva na 4 roky / celkový budget €3.850.000

Stručný popis: Zakázky vyplývající z této výzvy k podávání nabídek podpoří oblasti interního projektového řízení IT a podnikové analýzy. Budou rovněž poskytovat podporu pro další vnitřní oblasti IT, u kterých se předpokládá, že to bude potřeba, a doplňovat vnitřní kapacity agentury EMSA, konkrétně v oblastech jako je podniková architektura, bezpečnost IT, datová věda a správa údajů, vývoj a údržba IT řešení a další odborné technické kapacity požadované pro účinné řízení portfolia IT.

Zakázka je rozdělena na pět zcela samostatných / na sobě nezávislých částí:

Lot 1 Project Management and IT Consultancy €792.000

The services under this lot consist in performing tasks in the field of IT development, maintenance, and operations of EMSA’s current and future digital services for which development, maintenance and/or operational contracts already exist or shall be established.

Lot 2 Information Security €556.000

Security consultancy services and associated activities as per the published procurement documents (lot 2).

Lot 3 Data Management Support Services €612.000

EMSA manages a number of maritime digital services for Member States’ and EU Bodies’ operational users. These services have a high level of availability and are provided via front ends (graphical user interfaces) or system-to-system (S2S) web services and APIs. These services process and rely on multiple data sets and data repositories. In general terms, a data warehouse organisation, products and services are to be developed across the collection of information and data derived from numerous operational systems and external data sources. A data warehouse is to consolidate and transform raw data into business objects in order to supports business decisions in an optimal manner by allowing data analysis and reporting at different aggregate levels.

Lot 4 Technical Expertise €666.000

The services consist of performing tasks in the field of IT technical expertise as per the provisions of the published procurement documents (lot 4).

Lot 5 Managed Security Operations Centre (SOC) Services €1.224.000

Operation and continuous improvement of the EMSA Security Operations Centre (SOC) as a managed service for cybersecurity monitoring and investigation of cybersecurity events and incidents and incident response and remediation on a H24 basis, 365 days/year and enhancement of the SOC.

Deadline pro odevzdání nabídek: 7/2/2023

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