Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Instituce EU nakoupí přes šest tisíc nejrůznějších vlajek. Tendr už běží

Tendr: Dodávka vlajek, stolních vlaječek a různého příslušenství

Zadavatel: Rada Evropské unie, Secrétariat general, Brusel – jménem několika dalších významných EU institucí

Kontrakt na 4 roky

Deadline: 18/2

Objem: vice než 6 tisíc kusů vlajek různých velikostí

Stručný popis: Dodávky prestižních interiérových vlajek, interiérových a exteriérových vlajek a příslušenství, stolních vlaječek a příslušenství.

Dodávky pro tyto instituce EU:

1. European Commission in Brussels (OIB) 

2. European Commission in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (OIL)

3. European Parliament in Brussels

4. European External Action Service in Brussels

5. Court of Justice of the European Union in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

6. European Court of Auditors in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Druhy vlajek:

The Member States of the European Union (EU) are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

The official flag of the European Union is blue with 12 yellow stars.

The official flags of non-EU countries encompass all the other countries in the world.

The flags of the various international organisations include, for example, those of the IEA, NATO, the UN, WHO, WTO, OECD and AU.

Technical characteristics:

  Dimensions: hoist 100 cm x fly 150 cm 

  Fabric: o top-quality polyester satin or equivalent (weight 190 g/m² ± 5 %) o with interior cloth lining (weight 250 g/m² ± 5 %) to ensure maximum opacity1 and matt appearance in photographs  o cravat with two loose ends if fringe is used o compliant with fire-resistance standard NF EN 13301-1 (formerly M1) o perfect drape of the fabric: the fabric must have a fluid and harmonious fall

 Finishing: with double perimeter hem, upper ring and satin ribbon in the same colour as the flag 

  Colour: printed with the official Pantone colour

Minimum requirement: The annual turnover for the subject of the contract must be at least EUR 150 000 for each of the past three financial years for which accounts have been closed.

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