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ICT Consultancy for Bratislava-based European Labour Authority


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Call: Provision of ICT Consultancy and Project and Programme Management

Buyer: European Labour Authority (ELA), Slovakia, Bratislava

Estimated value excluding VAT: €40.500.000 / 4-years long framework contract

Deadline 24/10

Description: The primary objectives of this tender are as follows: ICT Consultancy Services: The selected contractors will provide expert guidance and support in various ICT domains, including architecture, development, operations, quality assurance, security. Project and Program Management Services: The contractors will assist in managing complex projects and programs, ensuring successful delivery, adherence to timelines, and efficient resource utilization. Enhancing ELA’s ICT Capabilities: The aim is to enhance ELA’s ICT capabilities by leveraging external expertise. This includes optimizing existing systems, adopting best practices, and driving innovation. Efficiency and Effectiveness: The tender seeks to achieve cost-effective and efficient ICT solutions, aligning with ELA’s strategic goals and operational needs


Economic and financial capacity 

Tenderers must comply with the following selection criteria in order to prove that they have the necessary economic and financial capacity to perform the contract.

  Criterion F1 
 Minimum level of capacityAverage yearly turnover of the last two financial years above EUR 10 000 000 per year. 
 Basis for assessmentThis criterion applies to the tenderer as a whole, i.e. a consolidated assessment of the combined capacities of all involved entities will be carried out. 
 EvidenceCopy of the profit and loss accounts for the last two years for which accounts have been closed from each concerned involved entity, or, failing that, appropriate statements from banks. The most recent year must have been closed within the last 18 months. 

Technical and professional capacity

Tenderers must comply with the following selection criteria in order to prove that they have the necessary technical and professional capacity to perform the contract:

Criterion T1
The tenderer must prove experience in the field of ICT consultancy in the following domains:Consultancy services in the EU, related to information systems conception;Consultancy services in the EU, related to information systems development;Consultancy services in the EU, related to information systems implementation and maintenance.
Minimum level of capacityAt least 3 (three) references of similar projects carried out between June 2021 and June 2024.The project        references, all together, must cover the provision of the three domains mentioned above:Each project reference must cover at least one of the abovementioned domains. A single project reference can cover more than one domain.Furthermore, the project references must cover the following minimum requirements: project reference shall cover Provision of ITconsultants in the EU in Quoted Time and Means and/or Fixed Price mode;-                  Each of the project must have a duration of at least 6 months;-                  Each of the project was executed, at least partially, between June 2021 and June 2024;-                  at least one of the project references must cover at least 2400 man-days during at least 6 months (in Quoted Time and Means and/or Fixed Price mode).The tenderers must have executed the contracts as sole contractor, consortium member or subcontractor. In the latter case, the proportion of the project executed by the concerned entity must have been at least 15%, otherwise it
 will not be considered as a valid reference.
Basis for assessmentThis criterion applies to the tenderer as a whole, i.e. the consolidated assessment of combined capacities of all involved entities will be carried out.
EvidenceProject references meeting the minimum level of capacity.Each project reference shall include details of: project scope (domain), duration, start and end date, number of man-days, role in the contract (sole contractor, consortium member or subcontractor of at least 15% share); total value of the project, contact person (and contact details) for the reference..Tenderers must provide at least 3 (and maximum 6) project references.The references must concern different customers (i.e. references with at least 3 different customers must be provided).Departments, divisions, directorates, and other entities of a same body (including the same EU Institution) will be regarded as the same customer.Each EU Institution (including an EU agency) is considered a different customer.ELA may request statements issued by the clients, public or private, as supporting documents for each project reference.These documents should be ready to be provided within three (3) to five (5) working days of the ELA request. The contact persons for the clients indicated may be contacted in the context of this call for tenders.
Criterion T2
The tenderer must prove capacity to deliver services to the highest quality standard.
Minimum level of capacityAvailability of standard processes by which the tenderer evaluates the quality of the services delivered to its customers.
Basis for assessmentThis criterion applies to the tenderer as a whole, i.e. a consolidated assessment of the combined capacities of all involved entities will be carried out.
EvidenceAn audit certification valid at the time of the tender submission in accordance with an internationally recognised quality assurance standard (e.g. ISO9001:2011, ISO20000, CMMI).In the absence of such certification, an up-to-date, valid at the time of application, copy or abstract of an internal
 quality methodology (e.g. quality manual) or any other standard processes by which the Candidate sets out a quality assurance system equivalent to one of the aforementioned standards, the date when it started to be applied, a contact person responsible for monitoring their application, and the results of an audit (internal of third-party) or QA report on the application of the quality methodology in the organisation.
Criterion T3
The tenderer must prove that Service Delivery Manager and his/her backup has the experience and capacity to perform the role.
Minimum level of capacityService Delivery Manager and his/her backup must have experience of at least 6 years in the fields relevant to the service and are being employed by the contractor for at least 1 year.
Basis for assessmentThis criterion applies to the tenderer as a whole, i.e. a consolidated assessment of the combined capacities of all involved entities will be carried out.

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