Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Hledám překladatele angličtina – čeština, zkušenost s finanční terminologií nutná


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Hledám zkušené překladatele z angličtiny do češtiny a/nebo slovenštiny, se zkušenostmi s bankovní a finanční terminologií – je to pro tendr Překladatelského střediska Evropské unie.

Překladatelé se musí vejít do jednoho z těchto dvou profilů:

Profile 1: A university degree or equivalent qualification in one of the following areas: finance, accounting, banking, auditing, economics and financial statistics PLUS translation experience in the language combination for which the bid is made equivalent to at least 2,000 standard pages;

Profile 2: A university degree or equivalent qualification in any discipline PLUS translation experience in the language combination for which the bid is made equivalent to at least 3,000 standard pages of which at least 1,500 standard pages in the following areas: finance, accounting, banking, auditing, economics and financial statistics.

Details at


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