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[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Hledá se velká firma na provozování IT infrastruktury evropské agentury EUIPO z Alicante


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Tendr: Poskytování služeb týkajících se řízení a provozování infrastruktury IT

Zadavatel: Úřad Evropské unie pro duševní vlastnictví (EUIPO), Alicante, Španělsko

Kontrakt na max 60 měsíců

Typ smlouva: rámcová smlouva s max 3 dodavateli, v kaskádě

Deadline 10/12

Systém hodnocení: Cena 30% x kvalita nabídky/uchazeče 70%

Plánovaný rozpočet:

Year 1: 12.000.000 EUR

Year 2: 12.000.000 EUR

Year 3: 12.000.000 EUR

Year 4: 12.000.000 EUR

Year 5: 12.000.000 EUR

TOTAL: 60.000.000 EUR

Účel zakázky:

— poskytování služeb, které jsou nezbytné k umožnění úspěšné podpory a údržby zdrojů IT, které se v současné době používají v úřadu EUIPO, a

— poskytování služeb a podpory s cílem umožnit zlepšení na základě průběžného zdokonalování služeb a projektů vyplývajících z budoucích strategických plánů úřadu.

Základní požadavky (nutné splnit na 100%):

  • Minimální obrat: A minimum yearly turnover of « 24.000.000 EUR»  for last 3 years is required.
  • A statement of the average annual manpower of the economic operator for the past three years, including the percentage of turnover (attrition) of the staff for the referenced period. Such percentage must be maximum 20 %.  A statement indicating that the economic operator has sufficient resources to implement the contract. This statement should contain a list of the technical equipment, tools and/ or plant, including at least one Service Delivery centre with a minimum 300 technical staff, that the economic operator will use for implementing the contract.
  • Reference: A list of major contracts for services similar to those described in the technical specifications. The list must include at least ten contracts, each one referring to individual projects, covering the provisioning of services in the following domains:

• At least three contracts covering ServiceDesk, each including Request and Incident Management offering a Single Point of Contact for users.  

• At least three contracts covering Operations and Infrastructure Maintenance, each including the following: o Event Management o Problem Management o Request Fulfilment o Operations Control o Access Management o Facilities Management o Release Management and DevOps

• At least two distinct contracts for projects, each covering one of the following areas:  o Implementation of Office 365 minimum 1000 users  o Implementation of Microsoft Intune for a minimum of 500 user devices o Implementation of Network Access Control for a minimum of 2000 end points o Implementation of containerised solutions based on Kubernetes orchestration.

• At least two distinct contracts, each covering one of the following areas:  o Management of Office 365 service minimum 1000 users o Management of Microsoft Intune platform supporting a minimum of 500 user devices o Management of Network Access Control for a minimum of 2000 end points o Reporting using Elastic Search engine, with at least 4 FTE during one year. o Management of containerised solutions, with at least 2 years of demonstrated experience in Kubernetes orchestration.

  • Each individual reference for ServiceDesk or Operations and Infrastructure Maintenance must demonstrate a value of minimum 1.000.000 EUR.
  • Each referenced contract must have been performed during a minimum period of six months and it must have started and ended respectively  within the period from 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2018;
  • Certifikáty:
  • ISO 9001 or equivalent
  • EMAS certificate, such as ISO 14001 or equivalent
  • Požadované složení týmu (počty jsou na uchazeči, ale musí být dostatečné kje splnění všech požadavků ZD):

The required profiles are:

1. Technical Team Lead (TTL)

2. Senior Technician (ST)

3. Technician (T)

4. Junior Technician (JT)

5. Product Expert (PE)

Zadavatel předpokládá, že dodavatel bude pracov at 30% času on-site (Alicante), 60% času off-site (ve svých vlastní prostorech) a 10% jinde (Brusel).

Podíl práce jednotlivých profile: TTL 10%, ST 25%, T 50%, JT 10%, PE 5%.

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