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Grafické služby + tisk pro dvoudenní konferenci EU v Portu

Tendr: Provision of printing and graphical design services for the event “9th Conference on the evaluation of EU Cohesion Policy”

Zadavatel: The Directorate-General for Interpretation (DG SCIC)

Background: The Directorate-General for Interpretation (DG SCIC), and in particular its Corporate Conference Organisation Unit (DG SCIC/C-1) is organising, together with the Directorate-General Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO), a two-day event called “9th Conference on the evaluation of EU Cohesion Policy”. The event will take place on 17-18 June 2021, in Porto.

In the framework of the above-mentioned conference, DG SCIC wishes to contract graphical and printing services.

The tender should propose four different options for a draft visual identity. Once the European Commission has selected one option, the final visual identity will result from up to three rounds of corrections and fine-tuning.

The material (posters) has to be delivered at European Commission, Courrier central, Avenue du Bourget 1, 1140 Evere, Belgium.

Budget max €40.000

Deadline: 11/1

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