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Good old OLAF needs a graphics agency

Graphic Design Services

Zadavatel: European Commission, European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), Brussels

Smlouva na 48 měsíců / budget220.000

Deadline 9/2

Short description: Recruitment of a graphic designer that will create visual concepts as well as design and develop graphics, advertisements, brochures, infographics, factsheets and other visual (and occasionally also audiovisual) deliverables related to OLAF’s work.

SERVICES REQUIRED: OLAF is looking for a graphic designer for the following services:

Throughout the duration of the Framework Contract, Contractor may be asked to provide graphic design expert advice and technical support to the OLAF team, that may include but not be limited to:

− developing visibility items’ design (brochures, flyers, roll-ups, advertisements, presentations, infographics etc.) for public and media events related to the Project implementation in line with the Commissions and OLAF communication strategy, visibility guidelines and requirements;

− developing layouts for publications (handbooks, toolkits, studies, researches, guidelines etc.) in line with the OLAF’s communication strategy, visibility guidelines and requirements;

− preparing relevant graphic illustrations for publications (handbooks, toolkits, news items, articles, social media posts, press releases, interviews, newsletters etc.);

− ensuring that all visibility actions are carried out in line with OLAF’s communication policy and according to OLAF’s Visual identity (Graphic Charter, Guidelines for use of social media etc.);

− monitoring and informing the OLAF communication team about any relevant developments which should be considered in Project’s communication and visibility strategy.

3 responses to “Good old OLAF needs a graphics agency”

  1. Hi! Do you know where to apply for this job? Can’t see the job anywhere on European Comission website. Thanks in advance!

    1. cause its not a job but call for tender

      1. But there is any way to apply?

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