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F4E to shop around for Digital Solutions Development Services


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Provision of Digital Solutions Development Services on Time & Means Basis

F4E – Fusion for energy, Barcelona

Response deadline        28/10/2024 16:00

Estimated contract value and volume: The maximum FWC value for the total duration of 4 years, without this being binding to Fusion for Energy, cannot exceed €5.000.000.

Main scope of supplies: The scope of this call for tenders is the provision of Digital Solutions Development Services on a Time and Means Basis.

F4E Technical Environment: The following is a description of the technologies already in place as well as the future ones to be deployed:

– User Environment/Platform:

• Windows 10 Enterprise;

• Office tools: Microsoft 365, MS Teams, Microsoft Edge for Business, Chrome, Adobe Acrobat Professional.

– Systems:

• Operating systems: MS Windows Servers 2016 / 2019 / 2022; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, 9;

• Database management systems: MS SQL Server 2017, 2019, 2022; Oracle 19c, 21c;

• User accounts: Active Directory, Entra ID;

• Cloud: Azure IaaS/PaaS resources among which virtual machines, App Services, Application Insights, Database for MySQL, Key Vaults, Kubernetes Services, Storage Accounts, SQL Databases, and SQL Managed Instances.

• Microsoft Office 365 for communications and collaboration including email sending/receiving.

– Application frameworks:

• Microsoft .Net framework (all available versions) and .Net Core;

• ASPNET all available versions (including Core);

• EF (all available versions including Core);

• Azure App Services and Azure Functions;

• Kubernetes / Azure Kubernetes Service;

• Docker, Azure Container Service;

• Modern web development frameworks: Angular, Automapper, jquery, bootstrap, TypeScript;

• GIT, TFS & Visual Studio;

• Modern web development tools like: less, gulp, npm, nugget, bower;

• Testing frameworks such as MSUnit, MoqU, Fakes, qunit, Selenium;

• Performance Testing framework (e.g. JMeter);

• Microsoft Sharepoint Online;

• Oracle WebLogic Server 11g/12c;

• Azure Devops Server (CI/CD);

• Agile (kanban) methodologies for software development.

Resources providing services to F4E will be defined as either:

• Proximate – resource based within a distance of 50 km (fifty kilometres) of the F4E premises and expected to provide service directly from the F4E premises on a regular basis (i.e. weekly). Working from home or the supplier premises will also be permitted based on a pre-agreed schedule with F4E (hybrid working system);

• Distant – resource based more than a distance of 50 km (fifty kilometres) from the F4E premises and expected to provide services remotely.

F4E premises to be understood as F4E premises in Barcelona, Spain and occasionally, subject to F4E prior written agreement, as F4E premises in Cadarache, France.

Selection criterion: Minimum Turnover

Minimum level of capacity: The average consolidated turnover for the last 2 (two) financial years 2022-2023 for which accounts have been closed shall be equal to or larger than 2.000.000,00 EUR (two million euro) threshold.

Supporting documentation:

A statement of the turnover for the last 2 (two) years (2022-2023) for which accounts have been closed, shall be provided by:

• the tenderer, including each Group Member in case of a Joint Submission; and

• each Other Entity.

This statement shall be accompanied by profit & loss accounts (or extracts) for the last two years (2022-2023) for which accounts have been closed, where publication of the balance sheet is required under the company law of the country in which the economic operator is established (failing this, appropriate statements from banks are acceptable).

Selection criterion 1: Management and provision of services of similar nature, scope and volume to those foreseen in Annex B (applicable to tenderer as a whole)

Minimum level of capacity: Tenderer must have at least 3 (three) reference projects that were active during the last 2 (two) years (2022-2023). These projects may have been initiated before 2022 and can be either completed or ongoing. They shall involve the provision of Services in line with the requirements described in Annex B (Technical Specification) (provision of respective services completed) for at least 100 person-days or 75.000,00 EUR (seventy-five thousand euro) under each reference project.

Selection criterion 2: Tenderer’s technical knowledge and staffing (applicable to tenderer as a whole)

Minimum level of capacity:

Tenderer must have or have access to:

− a minimum of 50 (fifty) staff working in IT division(s) in the field of development of information systems for the last 2 (two) years (2022-2023);

− a minimum of 25 (twenty-five) staff working on client’s premises in the field of development of information systems for the last 2 (two) years (2022-2023).

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