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Evropský parlament hledá personál pro své multimediální centrum v Praze


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Tender: Provision of floor staff for the Europa Experience Multimedia Centre in Prague

Zadavatel: Evropský parlament, Brussels


Floor staff (zhruba 3) – regular hours *                  9358.5 / rok

Floor staff (zhruba 3) – special hours **                 250 / rok

Kontrakt bude trvat 4 roky


The components of the EuEx in Prague

The EuEx in Prague is located at Palác Dunaj, Národní č.10, Prague 1 and occupies approximately 800 m2 spread over 1. and 2. floor (see Annex XI – floorplan). It consists of several themed areas devoted to a general explanation of the EP, its functioning, the history of the EU and how the work of the European institutions and the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) influences the daily life of European citizens.

The EuEx includes:

●            A reception area with a welcome desk and an information stand with brochures and other material;

●            An exhibition area with interactive media stations to portray the MEPs, the work of the EP and the EU. The interactive multimedia tools teach visitors about the history of the European integration and the impact the EU has on our daily lives. It also includes a photo booth to create digital mementos for visitors;

●            A 360° cinema featuring a film about Europe, its institutions and how together we can better tackle Europe’s challenges and shape our common future;

●            A Role Play Game (RPG) area aimed mainly at schoolchildren between ages 14 to 18 allowing students to simulate the work of Members of Parliament. The group size may vary from 16 to 32 participants. The RPG is operated in an area separate from the exhibition and participation is subject to pre-booking via the website of the EuEx.

The game is based on multimedia tools and it is entirely managed by a server according to the input given by the individual players. The game will not require a person as moderator leading through the game. However, the EP foresees the presence of one agent to manage reservations, provide technical support, facilitate understanding of the game, welcome and brief/debrief the groups.

The game lasts for approximately 2 hours, in which the welcome and debriefing are not included.

●            The EuEx is interconnected with a multifunctional conference space that hosts a number of various events organised by the European Parliament Liaison Office (EPLO), The European Commission Representation (ECRep) and external partners.


The purpose of this invitation to tender is to outsource a number of staff activities to a service provider (Contractor) who will provide the necessary personnel (floor staff) for services such as reception and facilitation or similar services in the EuEx.

The key management and communication functions (general management, content updates, marketing etc.) will remain with the EP.

Security and cleaning of EuEx facilities do not fall within the scope of this contract, with exception to certain mobile devices as explained in these specifications.

3.1.        Services to be covered

Welcoming and managing visitors is the priority task of staff. Knowing how to deal with people and approaching them actively are, in addition to specialist knowledge of the EU, their main qualifications.

The Centre will attract visitors from all over Europe but also from countries outside the European Union. This is why the interactive tools are offered in the 24 official languages of the European Union. It is therefore important that reception service providers have a perfect command of at least Czech and English. Knowledge of other EU and non-EU languages is an asset.

The contractor must ensure that the reception of groups of visitors or individual visitors runs smoothly at all times. Staff are devoted to visitors in the first place and accomplish other tasks at periods when the exhibition is less frequented.

This list of services and obligations of the contractor is not exhaustive. The EP reserves the right to adapt the tasks at any moment if necessary.

●            Advisory, assistance, facilitation and monitoring services. These include, for example, presence in the exhibition areas, helping visitors to understand the route and the use of interactive tools as well as managing unforeseen events and specific needs such as welcoming and accompanying people with reduced mobility, managing late arrivals, ensuring that visitors respect the internal rules, conducting satisfaction surveys, etc. Moreover, where necessary, providing explanations about the exhibition and its content as well on the EU in general.

●            Logistics and manual services. These include, for example: preparation of event spaces, management of role-playing equipment and tablets (configuration, distribution, recovery) and cleaning of multimedia devices, disinfection of headsets and other surfaces, storage and presentation of various brochures and other promotional material, handling of the inventory of this material.

●            Organizational and booking service. This assistance includes, for example, the registration of participants, answering by telephone or email, keeping an up-to-date schedule and helping to organize events.

●            Technical support services: Simple technical management of the multimedia tools, such as managing the technical part of the role-playing game, turning on and off the projectors, the multimedia stations and the 360° cinema. Corresponding training is provided by the EP at the start of the contract. In the event of technical malfunctions, the contractor shall immediately inform the EP.

●            Information Services, for example: Responding to general queries (e.g. on how to reach the exhibition) and information on the offer to visitors, as well as answering telephone questions and e-mails on this subject. Staff also respond to questions from the public, as well as inquiries by telephone or e-mail, on topics related to the EU. Assistance at fairs and other events may also be requested.

The EP expects staff to be flexible and, within the limits of required professional qualifications, capable of executing various tasks according to operational necessities.

3.2.        Floor staff: profiles and tasks

The relationship with the visitor is the most delicate aspect of the requested service. It requires tact and diplomacy. A positive attitude of staff at all times is essential.

Besides the requisite knowledge and skills required for the individual positions, each floor staff member shall fulfil the following requirements:

●            have good knowledge of the EU, the EP and MEPs, their role and functions and adhere to the principles of Parliament’s communication strategy;

●            have full knowledge of the EuEx offer;

●            have sufficient IT knowledge (Excel, Word, internet, social media tools etc.) to process requests and answer inquiries, be able to handle existing technical equipment, as well as to consult databases necessary for the execution of the tasks;

●            show exemplary behaviour and client orientation in their contacts with visitors (pro-active attitude, politeness, diplomacy and tact, personal appearance).

Services can be grouped as follows:

Welcoming and reception tasks

●            Welcoming of visitors, guiding them through security installations and presenting to them the EuEx exposition area, including the cinema;

●            Assisting and guiding the visitors who seek EU information, using relevant information sources;

●            Distributing any equipment (such as tablets) and explaining its functioning;

●            Answering ad hoc inquiries by visitors, notably on the EuEx, but also on more general questions about the EU and its institutions or, if necessary, forwarding these inquiries immediately to designated EP or EC counterpart(s). Note: Under no circumstances is the contractor authorised to interact with the media on behalf of contracting authorities or to provide answers to questions of a political or a sensitive nature. These questions must be immediately referred to designated EP or EC counterpart(s). 

●            Keeping the order in the exhibition and monitoring cleanliness;

●            Coordinating and managing the schedule of events in the EuEx exhibition, RPG and conference area;

●            Receiving, replying, processing and scheduling online inquiries and booking requests, including RPG bookings;

●            Acting as telephone receptionist and answering various information requests (only inquiries by visitors – no administrative issues);

●            Keeping a log of inquiries, visitors´ general profile and technical incidents;

●            Managing lost and found items.

●            Ensuring that all visitors have left at the end of the opening hours.

Advice and facilitation

●            Proactively meeting the public and approaching visitors and offering to explain the content of the exhibition to them. Introduction to the interactive multimedia stations and the 360° cinema;

●            Welcoming and facilitating groups in the RPG area, including assisting visitors in using the technological tools of the exhibition, collecting all material after use;

●            Briefing and debriefing of the groups;

●            Guiding and managing the flow of visitors, including in case of evacuation alarm. This implies having knowledge of security rules and evacuation plans of the facility (for example: guiding visitors to emergency exit and assuring that nobody is left behind, or accompanying a visitor in a wheelchair during the evacuation, etc.);

●            Assisting visitors with special needs;

●            Ensuring that visitors respect the internal rules;

●            Providing first level technical support and checking that all the equipment is working properly and is in perfect order, including regular recharging and cleaning of the RPG mobile devices.

Other and ad hoc services

A number of accessory services are directly linked to the operation of EuEx or are required on an ad hoc basis for specific dates and events. These include (non-exhaustive list):

●            Starting of all multimedia installations each morning, proper shut-down after closure;

●            Handling (unpacking, display, storage etc.) of material made available to visitors, such as publications and promotional material;

●            Support to EPLO staff in conducting on-site visitors´ surveys and collecting visitors’ feedback;

●            Preparation of communication material, such as presentations for visitor groups;

●            Floor staff services during special events.

The provision of these services does not necessarily require commissioning additional staff.

Floor staff members must:

●            be accredited on their entry into service by the security service and strictly respect the internal security rules (wearing identification badge, security checks, etc.);

●            respect the internal rules of EuEx and carry out the instructions given by their superiors;

●            respect the dress code and avoid any behaviour or action that would risk damaging the reputation of Parliament’s visitor facilities;

●            be fluent in Czech language and have a very good command of English language. Knowledge of any additional foreign language is an advantage;

●            not interact with the media. All questions from the media must be immediately referred to designated EP or EC counterpart(s);

●            not accept any remuneration or gratuity for an assignment performed in the course of service;

●            be discreet in all circumstances and demonstrate complete discretion in respect of any information obtained voluntarily or involuntarily owing to or in the course of performance of duties;

●            adhere to existing rules on data protection;

●            welcome and address visitors courteously and positively at all times.

Team leader

The contractor will designate a team leader among the floor staff. In addition to their regular floor staff tasks, this person:

●            is the on-site contact point for the EP and has to be reachable by mobile phone and available for ad-hoc meetings at all times during service provision;

●            is responsible for the management, coordination and supervision of the presence of the contractor’s personnel and the proper execution of the tasks (briefings and debriefings of the personnel, respect of working hours and internal rules, organisation of breaks to ensure continuous staffing during opening times, reporting of incidents, anomalies, etc.);

●            takes all necessary measures to ensure that all preparations for the daily operation of the service are in place before the opening of the reception facilities and checks that everything is in order at the time of closing;

●            has the technical knowledge in order to guarantee correct reporting on the proper functioning of the audio visual and computer equipment present in the facilities.

In respect of the contract which is the subject of this invitation to tender the European Parliament requires tenderers to have the following technical and professional capacity:

–             At least three years’ experience in services similar to those required by the contract concerned (i.e. communication, PR, staffing)

–             Evidence to be provided: a list of similar services provided, covering at least three different years of the past six years, indicating the name of the client (public or private), type of services provided, number of service staff involved, sums and dates

–             Contract manager and backup with relevant experience in the domain covered by this contract (i.e. communication, PR, staffing). The contract manager and backup need to have university-level diploma and be fluent in English and Czech

–             Evidence to be provided: CVs of contract manager and backup

–             A network of sufficient personnel to provide the floor staff services laid out in these specifications. This includes access to at least 12 persons available for floor staff services.

–             Evidence to be provided: a statement indicating, for ten past three years, the annual average number of employees and the number of managerial staff of the tenderer as well as the number of other staff the contractor can draw upon (freelance or other)

–             Floor staff with university-level diploma or ongoing university-level studies; good knowledge of the EU, its institutions and current EU affairs; native-level language skills in Czech and at least a C1 CEFR  level language skills (or equivalent) in English, as guaranteed by a certificate or past relevant experience. At least 25% of floor staff with certified skills in First Aid.

–             Evidence to be provided: CVs of a selection of potential floor staff team members (at least five persons)

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