Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Evropská škola v Bruselu vypsala tendr na dodavatele AV materiálu


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Dodávka a instalace AV materiálu – Fourniture et installation de matériel audiovisuel (EEB1/2021/0017)

Evropská škola, Brusel

Kontrakt na 4 roky / celkový budget €640.000 (LOT1 – €500.000 a LOT2 – €140.000)

Deadline pro nabídku: 19/11

LOT1 – budget €500.000 – description of the procurement:

For the description of the purchase, see the technical specifications in the tender documents (For quantities, see the price list in Annex 3)

Description of the products :

86 inch, 75 inch and 65 inch touch screen with the following specifications

Native resolution: 3840 x 2160 pixels – 4K Ultra High Definition

Response time: 8 ms

Panel: 4 mm anti-glare tempered safety glass (MOHS 7)

Built-in Speakers: 2 x 16 Watt

Digital video and audio inputs: 4 x HDMI 2.0, 1 x VGA

Network: WiFi: 2.4 / 5 GHz (IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac) Bluetooth: 4.2


Operating system: Android

Recognition: Finger and stylus

Compatibility: Windows, Android, Macintosh OS X, Linux, Chrome OS

Features: Screen duplication with all devices – Wireless touch function compatible with Windows and MacOS – Up to 6 screens shared in mirror. – AirPlay and Google Chromecast support

Accessories included: User manual, remote control, power cord, HDMI cable, USB cable, 2 passive styli, wall mount, WIFI module

LOT2 – budget €140.000 – description of the procurement:

The projects will take place during holiday periods or on Wednesday afternoons, to minimise disruption to students.

By applying for this tender, bidders commit themselves to organise and provide the necessary manpower to respect the planning of the execution of the projects, as discussed in advance with the school’s ICT team.

The tenderer will have to demonstrate its capacity to provide specialised personnel to the services of the European School Brussels 1 for the installation and renovation of audiovisual equipment:

– The installer, for this type of equipment, must have the technical skills associated with connecting an interactive screen with a computer and experience in drilling walls (choice of drill bits and plugs).

– A minimum of three people will be needed to install an interactive whiteboard, as the weight of a screen is 50-100kg depending on the size and model.

The installation services of the audiovisual equipment on the two school sites include, among others

– Fixing the wall bracket at the required height;

– Installation of the interactive whiteboard;

– Verification of horizontality and verticality with a level;

– Installation of an extension cord +- 5m;

– Connect the USB cable and the HDMI cable to the computer;

– Hide the visible wires with cable ducts;

– Vacuuming the dust caused by the drilling;

– All the tests and adjustments necessary to start up the boards: this includes testing the sound, image display and touch function of the interactive board.

All materials and equipment required for the installation will be provided by the tenderer.

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