Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Europol (Haag) hledá poradce pro oblast ICT. Zn: EU reference nutné


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Tendr: ICT Consultancy Services

Zadavatel: Europol, The Hague, Netherlands

Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €24.000.000

Kontrakt bude pokrývat poradenské služby týkající se návrhu, vývoje a implementace informačních systémů v těchto oblastech: — architektura IKT, — obchodní architektura IKT, — vývoj IKT, — operace a infrastruktura IKT, — kvalita a testování IKT, — projektové řízení v oblasti IKT, — oblast IKT obecně, — bezpečnost v oblasti IKT, — školení v oblasti IKT, — řízení služeb v oblasti IKT, — odborníci na technologii IKT.

Detaily k vybraným oblastem:

* ICT Development  Services for the development area are used during the entire life cycle of the development of ICT solutions, or for the enhancement of existing solutions. Development activities can take the form of custom software development, testing, integration, customization and configuration of software packages, or a combination of the two, which may be followed also by the design of the deployment framework for on-field implementation.

Services in this area often take the form of project-specific services for assisting Europol in the development of ICT solutions, or of such project role across several projects. Professional profiles of interest can cover the entire spectrum of solution development roles. 

Custom solutions developed in-house will typically be on .NET or J2EE platforms, and a variety of software packages are customized or integrated to deliver solutions suitable to our requirements. Depending on project, therefore, different technical skills are required, with knowledge of specific solution types (web-based applications, analytical applications, etc.), programming languages (C#, Java), specific packages/ middleware (DMS, DB, Enterprise Bus, etc.)2.

* ICT Operations and Infrastructure Services in the operations and infrastructure area will take the form of contracting of skilled consultants for assisting Europol in the operations and maintenance of ICT infrastructure. This can take the form of short-term or longer-term projects.  

 The operations and infrastructure assignments are related to the testing, planning, deployment and maintenance of ICT products and services and comprise the following areas:  – Infrastructure and Data Centre  – Networks, Voice and collaboration  – Applications Management – Database Management *

The standard working time is 40 hours per week. However, certain activities such as maintenance may require working during evenings and/or weekends.

* ICT Technology Experts Services in this area cover to the provision of expert advice and assistance on development and operations, technology watch, evaluation studies, architectural considerations, applicable standards, solution patterns and best practices in a specific area of ICT infrastructure technology. It includes also development and operations of highly specific or specialised applications.

 This area includes but is not limited to e.g. database management systems, Java Enterprise technology, enterprise & web content management, XML, portals, business process management and rule execution engines, interoperability, business activity monitoring and business intelligence technologies, Web 2.0, .Net technology, application life cycle management,  test  driven development , search technologies, Identity & Access Management, information security, federation protocols (SAML v2, WS-*, STORK).

Základní požadavky:

* 37 konzultantů ve stanovených profilech

* Minimální průměrný roční obrat v posledních dvou letech: €12.000.000 (lze doložit i v rámci konsorcia nebo uskupení dodavatel+subdodavatel)

* Odpovídajícíc referenční projekty: minimálně 3 obdobné projekty v posledních 3 letech, v následujících oblastech: ˗ Consultancy services in the EU, related to information systems conception;  ˗ Consultancy services in the EU, related to information systems development; – Consultancy services in the EU, related to information systems implementation.  +++ Furthermore, the contract references must cover the following minimum requirements:  ˗ Provision of IT experts in Time and Means of at least 50 full-time equivalents provided simultaneously during at least 6 months ;  ˗ Overall value of the contract of at least 3.5 million EUR for the whole duration;  ˗ Client was an institution/company with over 500 staff members in total;  ˗ Service was provided on the basis of a Service Level Agreement or equivalent;  ˗ Provision of IT experts in the location of the framework contract: The Netherlands.

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