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European Medicines Agency to purchase Colocation and ISP Services


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Provision of Colocation Services and Internet Service Provision (ISP) Services and Support

Contracting authority: European Medicines Agency (EMA, London)

Framework agreement with a single operator, for 6 years

The Agency requires managed colocation services linked to Internet service provision together with support in the form of limited remote hands services. The services provided should provide high availability and high resilience levels in terms of availability and integrity.The level of availability and resilience are measured in terms of compliance with service level agreements.

Quantity: The Agency estimates that it will require off-site secure hosting as described in full in the technical specifications which includes provision of 10–13 racks, 2–4 dedicated high-speed connections to the Agency and high-speed Internet services from 1 or 2 providers over a period of up to 6 years.

Deadline: 6/7

The services required by the Agency are as follows:

Services required: 1. Off-site highly secure back-up data centre, with access only to approved Agency staff; 2. 2 x dedicated high-speed ‘dark’ fibre access secure communications service between the Agency at 30 Churchill Place, E14 5EU and this off-site secure data centre made available by two different providers: 3. Fibre cabling between the racks and the cage 4. Power 5. Physical communications & protocols 6. Internet Protocol 7. Dedicated cage service 8. Full cabinet service 9. Other cabinet services 10. Internet Service Provision 11. Power 12. Access and Physical security 13. Environment/Temperature 14. Fire Protection 15. Monitoring

Service levels: 1. Power: 2. Environment/Temperature 3. Connectivity 4. Faults and support (escalation will be invoked) 5. Reporting 6. Escalation 7. Service Assessment


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