Call: Dynamic Purchasing System for the Supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Buyer: European Commission, Directorate-General Health Emergency Preparedness and
Response Authority (HERA)
Deadline for participation in the DSP (Phase I): 31/05/2026
The purchases are organized directly by the European Commission (or its Directorate- General for Health Emergency Preparedness and Response – DG HERA) on behalf of the EU Member States (represented mostly by the local Ministry of Health).
Scope: The supply of personal protective equipment to combat COVID-19, as well other serious cross-border threats to health, in the meaning of the Decision 1082/2013/EU, or any other applicable EU legal act. Especially, the subject of orders resulting from calls for tenders may be the supply of specific PPE according to the needs of the participating entities, including, among others, for example:
- respiratory protection (filtering face masks (FFP1, FFP2, FFP3)6, medical/surgical masks),
- eye protection (visors, face shields),
- hand and body protection (gloves, overalls, coats),
- head and foot protection,
- other
Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS): The Dynamic Purchasing System is used to select suppliers and consists of two following phases:
Phase I: Participation in the DPS: It is necessary to get on the (subsequently closed) list of suitable suppliers, who will be continuously invited to submit various offers as needed in the second phase. Quality, speed, price will always be decisive…
Phase II: Tendering (so called „mini-competition“): When the contracting authority wishes to use the DPS, it shall invite all candidates admitted to the system in Phase I to submit a tender for specific supplies within a reasonable time. The contracting authority subsequently evaluates the submitted tenders. The present DPS Specifications describe a general set-up for submitting a tender in the DPS. The precise scope and rules applicable to each invitation to tender will be specified in the respective tender specifications.
Financial criteria (first phase):
Criterion F1: Average annual turnover for each of the last two accounting periods higher than €500,000
Criterion F2: Current assets to liabilities ratio higher than 0.5
Technical criteria:
– Criterion T1: The tenderer must have a quality management system (QMS) in place in the company for the activities covered by this tender. (For the EU manufacturers – Copy of a valid quality management system according to ISO 9000 or equivalent)
– Criterion T2: Ability to supply personal protective equipment simultaneously to at least four participating countries.
– Criterion T3: A company participating in the tender as a manufacturer must have undergone an audit of its code of conduct, which covers at least health and safety, working environment, working conditions and human rights and the environment*.
– Criterion T4: The tenderer must have an environmental management and audit system in place within the company for the assessment, reporting and improvement of the environmental impact of the company’s activities, based on ISO 14001 or equivalent, as regards the activities related to the call for tenders.
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