Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

EU-“papaláši” si chtějí najmout 5 letadel

Unikátní společný postup. To se opravdu hned tak nevidí. Evropský parlament, Rada EU a Evropská komise postupují společně a vyhlásili společný tendr na air-taxi transport services. Poptávají hned pět letadel (malá pro max. 5 pasažérů, větší pro 9, ještě větší pro 19,  další pro 19 ale s větším doletem a nakonec největší pro max 130 lidí.

Letadla budou vozit šéfa komise a komisaře, vedení europarlamentu, prezidenta Rady a baronku Ashton a doprovod… ať to znamená co to znamená.

Bližší detaily níže, v eng:
Contract notice:  2011/S 192-312059

B-Brussels: non-scheduled passenger transport services by air, chartered air-taxi service

Non-scheduled air-taxi transport services for passengers and their luggage.
Provision of air-taxi transport services (chartered jet aeroplanes) for use by the President or other members of the European Commission, for the European Parliament Presidency, for the President of the European Council, for the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and any accompanying persons, mostly in the European Union.
The contractor shall provide jet aeroplanes (turbojets), including aeroplane staff and staff assigned to flight operations, in the following 5 categories:
1) Very Light Jet (range of approximately 2 000 km, up to 5 passengers).
Examples of aeroplanes: Cessna Citation CJ3, Embraer Phenom 100 or equivalent.
Standard flight: 4 passengers, flight without overnight stop Brussels–Strasbourg–Brussels.
2) Light Jet (range of approximately 3 500 km, up to 9 passengers).
Examples of aeroplanes: Cessna Citation Excel, Bombardier Learjet 45 or equivalent.
Standard flight: 7 passengers, flight with 1 overnight stop Brussels–Strasbourg–Stuttgart/Stuttgart–Liège–Brussels.
3) Midsize Jet (range of approximately 7 000 km, up to 19 passengers).
Examples of aeroplanes: Falcon 2000, Embraer Legacy 600, Bombardier Challenger 600 or equivalent.
Standard flight: 7 passengers, flight with 3 overnight stops Brussels–Berlin–Riyadh/Riyadh–Doha/Doha–Abu Dhabi/Abu Dhabi–Brussels.
4) Long range Midsize Jet (range of approximately 11 000 km, up to 19 passengers).
Examples of aeroplanes: Falcon 7x, Gulfstream G550, Global Express XRS or equivalent.
Standard flight: 9 passengers, flight with 1 overnight stop Brussels–Tokyo/Tokyo–Strasbourg–Brussels.
5) Large Jet (range of more than 3 000 km, 20 to 130 passengers).
Examples of aeroplanes: Boeing 737, Airbus 320, Embraer 170 or equivalent.
Standard flight: 60 passengers, flight without overnight stop Brussels–Helsinki–Brussels.
Departures are mainly from Brussels (Belgium). However, the provision of an aeroplane going to, leaving from, and in other places in the world may also be required, depending on the contracting authorities’ requirements.

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