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EIB needs Global Emerging Markets Data Aggregator


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Global Emerging Markets Data Aggregator
Buyer: European Investment Bank, Luxembourg
Budget without VAT: €4.666.356 / contract for: 60 months
Deadline: 13/1
Brief description of the required services: Global Emerging Markets (GEMs) Data Aggregator is a cooperation platform among 26 Multilateral Development Banks and Development Financial Institution to share and analyse data and produce risk statistics. On behalf of its members, the GEMs Consortium collects, analyses, aggregates and reports statistics based on members’ anonymous risk data information with the aim to share expertise and methodology relating to emerging market default and recovery rates for the benefits of its members and the wider financial community. The Data Aggregator is a third-party service provider that collects and aggregate individual data to produce risk statistics that the GEMs Consortium is publishing on a regular basis. This call for tenders is to award a contract to a new Data Aggregator that will support GEMs in data related activities, such as data transformation, quality control, reporting and risk analytics using a secure environment and advanced IT tools. Furthermore, the new data aggregator will be responsible for the publication and dissemination process and for promoting the GEMs publication using their marketing tools.

Selection criteria
• Technical and professional capacity
The Tenderer must demonstrate experience of performing projects, each of a similar scope, scale and complexity to what described in the ToR and completed and/or ongoing for at least six months within the last three years preceding the deadline for the submission of tenders and to clients with similar characteristics, such as:
• International financial institutions and Multilateral Development Banks;
• Large (at least 1000 employees) international companies in the banking sector and/or in the data management and credit information sector.
• Economic and Financial capacity
The Tenderer must have for each of the past three financial years for which accounts have been closed and final audited figures are available, an annual overall turnover of at least USD 2m.

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