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ECB hledá architekta


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Evropská centrální banka (Frankfurt n.M.) hledá firmu, která by jí pohlídala menší a střední architektonické úpravy. Je to dvouletý kontrakt. Nabídky pouze v angličtině. Detaily následují (take v eng):

The successful tenderer shall provide planning and project management services for small and medium-sized construction and refurbishment tasks. It is foreseen that services will be required for approximately 30 hours per week. For reasons of continuity, 1 of the proposed architects should execute the following tasks, whereas a second architect should be provided as back-up in case of sickness, holiday and peak periods. As the nature of some of the services below requires on-site presence, the architect/s will be expected to deliver part of the services in the ECB premises (approximately 20 hours per week). The architect/s will also be expected to be available on short notice for attending meetings in the ECB premises.
The scope of services required includes the following:
— architectural planning and preparation of design sketches and plans in AutoCAD format,
— preparation of cost estimates, construction work schedules and specification of scope of necessary works,
— presentation of design proposals,
— coordination of amendments requested by the business areas in question,
— performance of call-off procedures from existing external supplier framework contracts,
— support in drafting tender specifications and criteria for specific work or trades,
— coordination and supervision of all contractors required to realise construction and refurbishment work,
— managing of smaller projects including cost, time and quality control and the coordination of all external parties involved, including local authorities, landlords, etc.,
— preparation and coordination of acceptance procedures,
— all tasks related to updating the building’s documentation (plans, lists, etc.) related to a task or project and thereby ensuring its completeness and the handover to the landlord and PRE’s operations team

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