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Court of Auditors is in need of an IT infrastructure administrator


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Call: IT Operations, Engineering and Evolution services

Buyer: European Court of Auditors, Luxembourg

Estimated total value: rough estimate €1.500.000/year = €6.000.000

Framework contract – maximum contract duration: 48 months

Deadline for receipt of tenders: 17/12/2024 16:00 Europe/Luxembourg

Description: Provision of services for the Operations, Engineering, and Evolution of its IT Infrastructures and services under a service contract. The services covered by this Contract are divided into regular and additional tasks:

Regular tasks are the following:

A) Operations and Engineering of the IT infrastructures and services during the Normal Contractor Service hours remunerated on the basis of “Time and Means”;

The Court will order regular tasks by issuing a specific contract (no obligation on the part of the Court as regards the purchase of the tasks). Only once a specific contract is concluded its implementation is binding for the Court.

If a Phase-in period is applicable (see Technical Specifications, point 16.1 Phase-in period) it shall take place during the period of two (2) months preceding the start date of the first specific contract for Regular tasks.

Additional tasks are the following:

B) Operations of the IT Infrastructures and services in addition to those services mentioned under A) for any required special needs, remunerated on the basis of “Time and Means”; and

C) IT Infrastructures and services evolution projects remunerated on the “Fixed price” basis.

The Court will order additional tasks only if a need arises, by issuing a specific contract (no obligation on the part of the Court as regards the purchase of the tasks). Only once a specific contract is concluded its implementation is binding for the Court.

The estimated distribution of the contract’s value between the three types of services indicated under A), B) and C) is as follows:

A) -/+ 85%

B) -/+ 9%

C)  -/+ 6%

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