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Consultant for the Geospatial Data Quality Workflow


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Acquisition of technical assistance and consulting services for implementing a Geospatial Data Quality Workflow

Description of the contract: The European Union Satellite Centre (“SatCen”) seeks to acquire technical assistance and consulting services for implementing the following workflows:

(i) A Geospatial Data Quality Workflow (or validation service) aimed at automatically validating, enhancing, integrating and transforming vector dataset products produced at SatCen or obtained from external sources (either open source data or data acquired from third parties). The Geospatial Data Quality Workflow will automate the SatCen’s rule sets for different vector data products, and shall be developed using the 1Integrate product suite from 1Spatial Group Ltd and implemented across the SatCen secure environment.

(ii) A workflow for extracting, cleansing, transforming and loading processes from OpenStreetMap data to SatCen’s standardised data model, based on the FME software developed by 1Spatial Group Ltd. This workflow shall also include basic data validation (OGC compliant geometry checks) and shall highlight basic errors in the data.

The maximum value of this contract is estimated at €109,000.00 without VAT. The signature of the contract is expected for November 2017.

Deadline for interest declaration: 07/11/2017

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