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Communications, public relations and event organisation for Bilbao-based EU agency

EU-OSHA wishes to be able to draw on the services of companies specialising in communications, public relations and event organisation to design and implement networking, information and communication activities.

This call for tender includes three lots:

Lot 1/Awareness raising support to focal points and partners at national level: this lot aims at selecting a company to provide high-quality professional services to EU-OSHA’s main partners at national level in EU, EEA and Candidate countries in the organisation of seminars, workshops, film screenings and other events and in the organisation of media and public relations activities. The tenderer is asked to support the organisation of the above activities via its own network of country-level partner companies and in close cooperation with EU-OSHA and its network of national stakeholders. Budget €6.000.000

lot 2/Communication and media and stakeholder relationships at EU level: this lot aims to select a company to provide high-quality professional services in the areas of communication and promotion (online newsroom and social media); implementation of media actions; support for stakeholder relations management, such as official campaign partners, media partners and other potential partners at the EU level. Budget €1.600.000

lot 3/Organisation of corporate events: The overall aim of this lot is to select a company to assist EU-OSHA in organising onsite, hybrid and online events (conferences, workshops, seminars, exhibitions, etc.) and facilitate the Agency’s participation in events led by other organisations. Services to be provided include designing and organising onsite, hybrid and online events, and conceptualising and producing exhibition stands of various sizes and levels of professional quality. Budget €2.000.000

Deadline 14/6

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